Psp-3000 screen is berry colorfull

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Party Monger

For you psp fanboys, a much needed positive among the whole lot of negatives in the psp3000..
Will you buy it now??
PSP-3000 screen is berry colorful - PSP Fanboy

Is the PSP-3000 Screen Really THAT Much Better? Yes. : Boy Genius Report
Sony officially announced the PSP-3000 this week and gamers found themselves asking a question that really didn’t bode well for the updated system: “Is a new button, a mic and a new screen really worth an upgrade?” Well kids, a quick gander at the image above might help you come a little closer to answering that conundrum. All we can say is WOW.....

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from the looks of it, its already been modified, or taken badly with improper flash..

notice the black bezel of both the psp, the bottom one looks much more darker and richer than the one on the top and notice the sides of the strawberry on the top one, looks like some kind of reflection or flash effect, maybe magnified with good ole Photoshop
I can believe the PSP-3000 will have a better screen. The DS-lite has one too which is better than the fat one's. What you posted was just a poor example, that's all.
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