A anuragingle Explorer Nov 30, 2010 #1 Does anyone know where I can buy original psp accessories like sony 2200 mAh batteries, Logitech Playgear etc in Mumbai? Thanks
Does anyone know where I can buy original psp accessories like sony 2200 mAh batteries, Logitech Playgear etc in Mumbai? Thanks
S strategy Contributor Dec 1, 2010 #2 you can buy the 2200 mAh battery at a big planetM ( i saw it at south Ex planet M , not at other planet Ms ) for logitech playgear ..donno all i could find were fakes !
you can buy the 2200 mAh battery at a big planetM ( i saw it at south Ex planet M , not at other planet Ms ) for logitech playgear ..donno all i could find were fakes !
L laemo Contributor Dec 1, 2010 #4 You can try Croma and Landmark. They have pretty good accessories. At least they used to when I bought my PSP 3000 a few months ago. Also, you could try to get 'em off eBay, but again there's this fear of landing up with fakes.
You can try Croma and Landmark. They have pretty good accessories. At least they used to when I bought my PSP 3000 a few months ago. Also, you could try to get 'em off eBay, but again there's this fear of landing up with fakes.
letmein Herald Dec 3, 2010 #6 Not original, but you can get may accessories from DealExtreme Cable, Charger, Adapter & Parts Replacement - Sony PSP - DealExtreme I myself got a case and a soft pouch.
Not original, but you can get may accessories from DealExtreme Cable, Charger, Adapter & Parts Replacement - Sony PSP - DealExtreme I myself got a case and a soft pouch.
C CeDrIc Contributor Dec 3, 2010 #7 If you are looking for case and pouch, check this http://www.techenclave.com/members-market/psp-kit-unused-psp-fat-slim-171975.html
If you are looking for case and pouch, check this http://www.techenclave.com/members-market/psp-kit-unused-psp-fat-slim-171975.html
A anuragingle Explorer Dec 3, 2010 #8 @letmein nice suggestion, but dont have credit card or paypal account i also heard they take a long time to ship products, like 1-2 months
@letmein nice suggestion, but dont have credit card or paypal account i also heard they take a long time to ship products, like 1-2 months