PSP broken screen replacement.

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Analog Vibes
one of my friend called me up today and said that he's got a crack on his PSP screen after it fell from his hand :(

the crack is quiet big and therefore he needs to replace the screen...

does any one know where this can be done in mumbai ? does anyone replace PSP screens and stuff or will Sony India do it for a fee.

if there's nothing that can be done locally .i might have to order a replacement screen online and do it for him .:ashamed:
Sony doing it for freeeeeee....dude they are going to charge u even for a freaking quote !....those guys are leechers when it comes to physical damange comes under physical damange so even if its under warranty nothing can be done abt it...check with jjmehta , they can possibly get it done , if they also say no , then u would need to check with 3rd party repair centers or the repair shops at heera keep posted abt the stuff.
^^ lolzz i know Sony wont do it for free as it physical damage.

check my first post again ..i mean fee and not free :P.. eehhehee..

anyways will ask @ JJ Mehta ..and other shops.

any idea how much would it cost ?
how much time did it take for the order to be delivered ? any more info related to ordering it from deal extreme ?

they ship to india ? indian credit cards accepted ?
errr.....I do know 'broken' screens. But how in the world did you achieve a 'borken' screen? :bleh:

Did you accidentally 'bork' the PSP? :ohyeah:
FaH33m said:
how much time did it take for the order to be delivered ? any more info related to ordering it from deal extreme ?
they ship to india ? indian credit cards accepted ?

3-4 weeks with 0 shipping or in a week with EMS..whatever that is...make a Paypal account using your CC and you are good to go...and yes they ship to india
Gets shipped within 2 weeks to a month depending on size of packet. Good product, helpful CC and accepts indian CCs.
Got many stuffs from there and so far nice experience :)
ohk so if i order it online it easy to install the screen ?

@techie_007 lolzz i meant broken was a typo :P
I had got mine changed locally at pallika bazaar c.p. But yeah it is fairly easy to open the psp and change the screen , look up some guides online.

Is the psp the slim one ?, if yes the screen is gonna cost you much more than 2k...
^^ yeah i think it's a slim ..not sure..will ask my friend again.

thank you everyone for the info.
FaH33m said:
one of my friend called me up today and said that he's got a crack on his PSP after it feel from his hand :(
the crack is quiet big and therefore he needs to replace the screen...
i see u got the borked screen corrected.. ;)
but i gotta say, ur frnd mst have butter fingers.. he damaged the screen just by feeling the psp ..??
btw, what was he upto ?? ahem ... :P
(Sorry yaar, just cudnt do away with this leg pullin urge i got at the moment :tongue: )
Spacescreamer said:
i see u got the borked screen corrected.. ;)

but i gotta say, ur frnd mst have butter fingers.. he damaged the screen just by feeling the psp ..??

btw, what was he upto ?? ahem ... :P

(Sorry yaar, just cudnt do away with this leg pullin urge i got at the moment :tongue: )

ohh god another typo:rofl: i posted this in a hurry at 11 in da night when i was feeling damn sleepy :P

The PSP slim screen still hasnt been fixed. and i am unable to find any one replacing PSP screen in Mumbai.

tried JJ Mehta as well as Alfa .

so the only options i have now is :

1) get one from Delhi,Palika Bazaar.

I would be really grateful if any delhi member who lives near palika bazaar can buy a PSP slim replacement screen and ship it to Mumbai. ofcource i will pay in advance.


the other option is to get from Dealxtreme for 41 $

but that could create customs and shipping problem..also ive heard it takes time to reach.

main problem is if it gets stuck at customs and all will create a lot of problems.

any Delhi member to the rescue ?
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