PSP Homebrews Reviewed

I see a lot of people posting about Sony's portable gaming console - the PSP - on these forums these days, so I've decided to review some software that's available for the PSP.

Recent History:
Finally, after months of attempts, MPH has released a downgrader for PSP version 2.00 to change it to version 1.50. For those who are unaware of what this implies, let me tell you that the PSP 2.00 cannot run most software (homebrew) downloaded from the internet, while ver 1.50 can run all this software. Recent developments have allowed version 2.00 to run a very limited number of homebrews using an exploit in the image viewing software of the PSP.

The software reviewed below has been tested on version 1.50. I have only reviewed the software which I find to be the best in its category. The software is available for download at QJ.NET - QuickJump Home - PlayStation Portable News - PSP Updates


1. Sei PSP Tool (Similar Software: KXploit, Swaploit)
This software is essential for converting ver 1.00 homebrews into a format that can be run on ver 1.50. What it basically does is: It splits the 1.00 eboot.pbp into two PBPs and places them in folders named in the format "xxxx" and "%xxxx". The % sign is important as it gets rid of the need to swap memory sticks to run software on ver 1.50. I would recommend this software over the other similar s/w because it gives you the ability to edit the game's icon, bg screen etc. and it also allows you to hide the corrupted data icons on your PSP.

Rating: 8/10

2. PSP File Assistant v0.09 (Similar Software: PSP File Manager)
This is a file managing program for the PSP. Besides allowing you to copy, move and delete files on the PSP itself without a USB connection, it lets you access all the folders of the PSP on the go including the PSP's OS files and UMD, plays music, lets you view pictures and allows you to dump the PSP firmware or UMD on your memory stick. It also has a skinnable interface with a number of skins included in the download of the latest version. I highly recommend downloading this program if you own a PSP.

Rating: 9.5/10

-- File Assistant Add-on: Application Key Protector v0.1 --
This program helps you protect your PSP's files by password protecting PSP File Assistant. It lets you run the file manager from the root of the memory stick instead of the PSP/Game folder, so the manager cannot be run if you don't have the 4-digit code. WARNING: If you install a book reader along with this addon, anyone will be able to access your password as it is stored in the key protector folder in a .txt file.

Even though this software is not highly secure, it gets the job done. Most importantly, it will prevent anyone from knowingly or unknowingly deleting important system files from the PSP's flash. Hence I recommend installing this addon if you install File Assistant.

3. Bookr - Book Reader (Similar Software: 1 MHz Reader)
As the name suggests, this is a text reader for the PSP. It has a very simple and well designed interface. It can read .txt and .pdf files. There's not much more to it! This software is recommended if you like to read ebooks on the go.

Rating: 6/10

4. PSP Set (Similar Software: PSPersonalize)
It lets you fully customize your PSP by letting you change it's wallpaper, game boot video and many other aspects. The software changes the wallpaper by replacing the bland single colour default wallpapers that the PSP ships with. To make it work, you need to copy some 24-bit BMP files (<150KB) to the root of your memory stick and run the program. It then gives you options fior changing the wallpaper for each month of the year. NOTE: I haven't tested the other features that this program offers. As most of these features modify your PSP's firmware, you should be careful while using them. If something goes wrong, you could brick your PSP.

Rating: 6/10

5. PSP Advance
PSP Advance is a media player which plays MP3, Wav and other major music formats. Besides playing music, it also gives you a host of features such a visualizations, plug-ins and games. It even has an equalizer. These are all features which the PSP's default audio player lack, so if you're a music buff, this software is highly recommended. NOTE: Currently on the demo version of this software is available for download. This software displays a screen asking you to buy it while you're playing music. If you don't want to see this screen, download the older version of this software called "DJSP". It has many of the features of PSP Advance and is free of cost.

Rating: 8/10

6. PSP Kick 2.0
This is the software for all you Frooty Loops fans. PSP Kick is the only rhythm composer for the PSP. v2.0 comes with a number of drum kits and gives you the option of adding your own kits. Composing music using this s/w is as simple as pressing the x button a few times. This second version of the s/w also gives you the ability to link rhythms to make a whole song out of them. After you've composed something, you can save it as a .wav or .mid file, transfer it to your PC and share it with all your friends!

Rating: 8/10

The SNES is my favourite as far as ROMs are concerned, so I decided to add a review of this excellent SNES emulator for the PSP. This emu has enough features to let you control every aspect of the ROM's graphics and sound. It lets you change the aspect ratio, frame skipping, colour mode, even the PSP's clock speed can be increased to 333Mhz from the normal 222Mhz. The frame rate is a little below par, but you can get playable framerates at 333 MHz in 'Fast Mode'. This is a must have for those who would like to play some good free games on their PSP instead of buying some high priced UMDs.

Rating: 9/10


These are just a few of the softwares I've used. I will try to review some more soon if I find the time. I hope you like these reviews!

- Deathdart
thks dart frm my side too....i was busy looking for s/w ard..................and was confused which one to use or not..this will surely help...