PSP Noob Questions

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Ok guys, I got some cash for my birthday, and I am looking to buy a PSP. I am complete noob when it comes to PSP, and have no idea about firmware, Pandora's battery etc etc :S

I do know that I want to buy the slim version, and probably a 4GB memory stick. I will be looking to mod my PSP, as I am very interested in emulators, and also playing games off the memory stick :ohyeah:

So, can anyone here tell me the prices of PSP Slim in Delhi, and also what model no., firmware etc, I should be looking for before buying.


PS How much is the PSP Fat worth? I might buy that, if the difference is not much between features of the 2.
PSP Slim: ~ Rs 8500/-

PSP Fat: ~ Rs 6k (really not too sure abt this price)

*Both Prices for Basic Packs.

PSP Slim allows u to hook up ur psp to the TV and watch the videos.

Mind u, the TV shd have progressive scan feature to allow u to establish that.

The TV out cable doesnt comes with the psp, 1200/- for that i guess.

Battery Life is a touch improved i guess. Again not that mch ki u think and go bonkers abt it.

PSP Slim is lighter on hands, but not too mch of a difference in weight that u shd think that mch.

Get Any psp .. fat or slim.. a pandora battery will allow u to install the Custom Firmware on it.

Pandora battery can be created by any person who has access to a psp running custom firmware on it.

Hope all that helps.
spacescreamer forgot to mention that these are gray market prices. Official price of PSP Slim is Rs. 8990.

Latest firmware is 3.90 i think. U can get it modded from Palika.
go for psp slim only re... it loads games faster, is lightweight, supports external display (TV) for video and games etc... and by getting a better battery pack u can double the battery life.

Google for more differences b/w the fat and the slim.
Get PSP fat if u will get a custom firmware and load games from it, loading on ur mem sticks the speeds will be lightning fast. If u buy originals, which i i buy a psp i won't, get a slim as it improves speeds by normally and usually 5 - 10%

Hope this helps
Aman27deep said:
Get PSP fat if u will get a custom firmware and load games from it, loading on ur mem sticks the speeds will be lightning fast. If u buy originals, which i i buy a psp i won't, get a slim as it improves speeds by normally and usually 5 - 10%

Hope this helps

You can put a custom firmware on the PSP slim as easily as on a PSP phat.

PSP slim and DSlite > PSP phat and DS phat.
whatsinaname said:
You can put a custom firmware on the PSP slim as easily as on a PSP phat.

PSP slim and DSlite > PSP phat and DS phat.

I do not remember myself saying that "you can't put a CFW easily" and anyways any PSP is nice, just go ahead and buy it, dont pay more than Rs. 8,400 in any senario if u plan buying one from the gray market.
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