Homebrew coder Total_Noob has released a revised version of Ultimate VSH Menu, an alternative plugin to replace the official VSH menu of custom firmware M33 and GEN.
The excellent PSP plugin is now compatible with CFW 5.00 M33, 5.02GEN, 5.03GEN and the latest 5.50GEN.
The excellent PSP plugin is now compatible with CFW 5.00 M33, 5.02GEN, 5.03GEN and the latest 5.50GEN.

* All functions of the official VSH Menu.
* Ability to customize the colors.
* The SELECT button can either open the Recovery(in-VSH Recovery), the VshMenu or nothing.
* Recovery can reboot by holding R and exit the Recovery (useful for VSH plugins and other configurations).
* The SELECT button can be change via the combo R + L + [].
* VSH Recovery can be open in the VSH Menu.
* Random color option is available to change the system color randomly.
* An option in the VSH Menu to quickly start a homebrew (ms0:/PSP/GAME/VSHMENU/EBOOT.PBP).
* Convert battery option is available in the VSH Menu (convert battery to Normal, Pandora or Autoboot).
* Slim Colors Patch by Bubbletune integrate (only for psp phat).
* USB charge can be change in the VSH Menu (only for psp slim).
* Ability to hide the MAC address in the System Information.
* UMD update icon can be hide in the XMB.
* Possibility to take screenshots (combos are NOTE, R + NOTE, L + NOTE, R + SCREEN, L + SCREEN or NOTE + SCREEN).
* Ability to suspend the device in the VSH Menu.
* All PSP with a 5.xx Custom Firmware on board (even PSP-2000v3 and PSP-3000) : 5.00M33, 5.02GEN, 5.03GEN or 5.50GEN
* Download
* Connect your PSP to computer via USB Wire.
* Toggle your PSP in USB Mode.
* Click with right button of your mouse on downloaded file.
* Choose "extract files..."
* Choose the letter that the system attribute to your PSP in desktop.
* Click on OK and wait that all files are copied on your computer.
* Note : if you have old version of UVSHM, files need to be overwrited.
* Leave USB Mode
* Go to the SEPLUGINS directory from your MS
* open (or create) the VSH.TXT file abnd add inside this line : ms0:/seplugins/vshmenu.prx 1
* Disconnect from USB mode ans reboot PSP
* Enjoy.
Developer's note:
For use the in-VSH recovery on ChickHEN & CFWEnabler, copy the vshrecovery.prx file to the seplugins folder on your memory stick.