Q3a issues.

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I am having some issues, with Q3a since some time now. Whenever I start the game, I just get a white screen and I have to Ctrl+Alt+Del it. Not only that after closing down q3a my gamma correction gets messed up whole screen gets ultra bright and white. Adjusting from the ATI control panel does not help. I have to reboot my PC.

I tried many driver versions, have uninstalled re-installed the game couple of times too. No go there.
Yep patched it to 1.32, I dunno about other quake engines but Doom 3 works fine. I think RTCW is based on q3 engine nah ? Thats working fine too. I got this issues after using the refreshlock software.

I had a similar problem with the exact same Ultra bright screen....

Mine was like, I start playing the game and it just crashes and says that Quake.exe performed an illegal operation and had to be closed blah blah blah.....

And when it came back to the desktop, the screen was ver yvery bright. Had to restart the comp.

It was solved after I reinstalled the game.
Don't bother reinstalling the game. Just do this -

Navigate to the baseq3 folder, back up your q3config.cfg file and then knock off the original. So, the baseq3 folder should not contain a file named q3config.cfg. Now start the game again, a new q3config file will be generated with default settings. The game ought to run fine now. But all your settings will be resetted so keep that in mind.
Sounds like the game and refreshlock are trying to force different rates.
Disable either one of them (r_displayrefresh in q3a).

Don't worry about the gamma, most games apply their own increased gamma settings then restore the same upon exit. In your case q3a simply crashes never getting a chance to restore them.
your q3config.cfg is overloaded most likely. happens when you use the same cfgs for different mods and stuff. like tracerbullet suggested, delete your q3config.cfg and try again. another thing to note is.. if you're playing offline without an active internet connection, that white screen can stay for upto 10 seconds before going to the menu, so if you're playing offline make sure you wait a bit before trying to force quit.

what happens when you try to run the game without running refreshlock? are you trying to start baseq3 or a mod directly through a shortcut?
Hmm I tried the game after re-installing and removing the the cfg file, seems to be working now. But then again I have to play at 640*480 as anything higher and refresh rates drop to 60hz, the in game refresh commands dont seem to work for me. I guess will give refreshlock another try.
yes...q3a wont run at higher levels at anything other than 60hz...i play it at 85 hz @ 7024*768 by using powerstrip....thts the only way...

As for the long white screen...all u need to do is to delete the punkbuster folder in ur q3a directory :)
q3 does work at higher refresh rates :P r_displayrefresh cmd works properly for me as long as i have my ati refresh rate override set to 'same as desktop'.
q3a can work at any refreshrate, it's a windows xp bug that forces 60hz on games unless you force your maximum rates somehow (drivers, refreshlock, powerstrip, ingame).
I prefer refreshlock and game at 1280x960 72hz always.

Also q3a won't save the r_displayrefresh setting when you quit the game, you will need to put it in an autoexec.cfg. Maybe that's why it doesn't seem to work.
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