OC & Modding Q9550 @ 4.5ghz ( 530FSB ) on Giga UD3P on AIR!

not bad RoBoGhOsT so cong for oc at u life

so keep more benchmark stuff :D

hey u nub man i got ygym at you :devil2: it is secret stuff :lol:
Nice info :clap:
apollyon said:
great oc robo :cool2:
cpu degradation is way overrated, this voltage is totally fine for short periods of time. and anyways if you do end up killing your cpu, intel rma is amongst the easiest to claim provided there is no visible physical damage to the cpu.
iirc thebanik had managed to fry his oem qx9650 bought from the US and had got a replacement locally no questions asked.

Congo bro! Fortune favours the brave! :cool2: ;) :p
RoBoGhOsT said:
overclocking and benchmarking is not for those people who are scared :p
and for gigabyte mobo owners , its safe as we dont need to boot into windows at high clocks and voltage , i boot at 1.35v and 4ghz then apply settings in windows using easytune to take it higher , only passed that voltage for 10-15 sec .
thanks guys . my chip rocks but now im tempted to buy core i7 and GTX 295 :rofl: :ashamed: .

if anyone wants my ram / chip / mobo , im thinking to sell them :D
That is a nice overclock for air, but as everyone has advised, 1.54v is too much for 45nm, I have overclocked my system beyond it on air (unstable barely bootable) but I still dint juice it with that much volts, as a matter of fact I haven't gone over 1.5v, with my 65nm though I have been to ~1.7v, or whatever the maximum is for the 780i. Btw is there any voltage spiking on the board (load line calibiration?), make sure its disabled. Any spiking over 1.54v could be fatal for the procy.

apollyon said:
great oc robo :cool2:

cpu degradation is way overrated, this voltage is totally fine for short periods of time. and anyways if you do end up killing your cpu, intel rma is amongst the easiest to claim provided there is no visible physical damage to the cpu.

iirc thebanik had managed to fry his oem qx9650 bought from the US and had got a replacement locally no questions asked.

From what I know of for the extremes, the first replacement is no questions asked, and the second time a full inspection is done for potential burn out of the processor. Dont know how it is for the rest though.
i have got it stable upto 4.3ghz @ 1.42v real :D . and that 1.54v was given for 15sec max using easytune so i dont think its unsafe .. not trying to push this chip further, will oc my i7 when i get it :D
that is one helluva chip!!!! seems like upgraditis has caught hold of you and that it will be not long before u get ur hands dirty on core i7