quake 3 videos

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3 guys from my game movie making group, Shaolin Productions have released their latest q3 videos this month. i thought i'd post them here as i noted quite a few quake fans.

first off is Unity by fei and cristal and this is a team trickjumping video. some of the trickjumps the guys do in this vid are seriously beyond belief. i've been watching this right through the entire making of it and the tricks still make my jaw drop. the skill level tears through the sky.

the next one is Anti-Conformist by Tchouky which is a video where he shows off his programming skills by making q3 BOTS do a wide range of things including close to impossible frags and even some dancing. there are some amazing visual effects in this video which is not possible with standard q3.

both are must downloads imo for any gamer actually, not just q3 fans.
Anti-Confirmist is ace. Not the best pure tricking video but incredible for the fact that it's the bots doing all that crazy stuff.
OMg.. how did i mss this thread .. those guys are insane .. just insane...
the trick just in the unity video no one can even imagine and the game looked very sweet too ... great stuff ....
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