Security Software Query regarding backing up Kaspersky license key..

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Molar Police
Staff member
Two of my friends and I together bought the Kaspersky Internet Security 3-user license key online in September. One of my friends had to format his system recently due to some reasons. Now after reinstall of the KIS2009, the program no longer accepts the same license key for activation. It says that the license had exceeded the maximum number of activations. It is true that all 3 of us had used the key in September. But because of formatting, my friend has to reinstall again. How can he use the same key now, to use it for the remaining 8 months of validity? Can it be done..?

If not, what are the precautions one should take to backup the license key before formatting and reinstalling windows..?

P.S: I had contacted Kaspersky online help, but they are saying that they need proof of bill, photos of the box, manual with serial key, etc.. I do not have any of this 'coz I just asked the seller to mail me the license key after purchase.. :P
Simply u register from personal ID and password sent by Kaspersky while registering first time, everything would be aliright :)
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