Car & Bike Query regarding helmet


As you know i bought a fazer have been riding w ithout a helmet for few days , decided to get myself a Daijiya helmet . It costs a whooping 4.5k but i felt is worth it , but then i read that cops can fine you for lack of ISI symbol on the same .

Is it true isnt the certification give to the helmet higher than the ISI.
Yes there's the same discussion running on xbhp. Even if you get high end helmets with higher certifications than ISI, they can still fine you AFAIK. So better to get some good helmet with ISI as of now.
Yep! ISI is the standard the cops adhere to. They will not care even if you actually show them that the helmet is bulletproof by shooting at it!
I have a LS2 helmet with DOT certification. I put an ISI sticker on my helmet. Although in Ahmedabad the cops hardly catch anyone let alone check for the ISI sign.
Hmm , anyways i went in the evening and bought a Rjays apex

I will also do like you put a ISI sticker onto it.
^^ Well, in that case you two are actually violating 2 different laws. And forging Govt. standards is a much serious crime compared to riding without helmets!

It is easier to covey that the helmet was sold to you as it is and you are not aware of all that highly technical stuff

than conveying that the standard of certification on your helmet is higher than ISI.
It is easier to covey that the helmet was sold to you as it is and you are not aware of all that highly technical stuff

than conveying that the standard of certification on your helmet is higher than ISI.

^^ Ignorance of Law does not give you an excuse to flout it!

If it were allowed, people would have murdered others and then claimed that they were 'not aware' that killing was a crime!!
^^ Well why don't you stick to your terribly low quality sub standard but politically correct helmet and I stick to my jugaad kiya hua LS2 with ISI stickers and be an outlaw! I fell off my Pulsar @30Kmph with my Studds Ninja on and the visor broke along with a crack on shell of the helmet. My LS2 and me survived an accident at 80 Kmph with nothing but a couple of scratches. If its your life you are more concerned about get something that will work when you need it the most to save you. Don't go and get yourself something that's rubbish but sports and ISI tag and be politically correct because the law in our country doesn't work in the favour of the correct, sensible things it always works against them.

Check out ISI's explanation(you can find it online or on XBHP) and required guidelines that need to be met by helmets to sport the ISI logo and be sold in India. Its just half a page of data. When you see the certifications these imported helmets have the number of pages with relevant data runs into at least 10 pages.
^^ Ignorance of Law does not give you an excuse to flout it!

If it were allowed, people would have murdered others and then claimed that they were 'not aware' that killing was a crime!!

Im talking of the sticker part; that it was a duplicate sticker on that helmet rather than actual certification.
^^ Well why don't you stick to your terribly low quality sub standard but politically correct helmet and I stick to my jugaad kiya hua LS2 with ISI stickers and be an outlaw! I fell off my Pulsar @30Kmph with my Studds Ninja on and the visor broke along with a crack on shell of the helmet. My LS2 and me survived an accident at 80 Kmph with nothing but a couple of scratches. If its your life you are more concerned about get something that will work when you need it the most to save you. Don't go and get yourself something that's rubbish but sports and ISI tag and be politically correct because the law in our country doesn't work in the favour of the correct, sensible things it always works against them.

Check out ISI's explanation(you can find it online or on XBHP) and required guidelines that need to be met by helmets to sport the ISI logo and be sold in India. Its just half a page of data. When you see the certifications these imported helmets have the number of pages with relevant data runs into at least 10 pages.

I would recommend that you replace the LS2 asap. A helmet is a one use thing. It will protect you in a crash once - by destroying itself, so while the LS2 may not show external damage, the internal construction would be anhilated. Next time it is likely to crack open even if you fall down at 2kph.
^^ Well why don't you stick to your terribly low quality sub standard but politically correct helmet and I stick to my jugaad kiya hua LS2 with ISI stickers and be an outlaw! I fell off my Pulsar @30Kmph with my Studds Ninja on and the visor broke along with a crack on shell of the helmet. My LS2 and me survived an accident at 80 Kmph with nothing but a couple of scratches. If its your life you are more concerned about get something that will work when you need it the most to save you. Don't go and get yourself something that's rubbish but sports and ISI tag and be politically correct because the law in our country doesn't work in the favour of the correct, sensible things it always works against them.

^^ I posted what I think I should have posted. No one forced you to do or abstain from doing anything. Period.

My comments were meant to be taken lightly. I was not gonna prosecute anyone.

Again, I really don't bother which helmet you use, whether you use it or not, the number of accidents you met with, the scratches you got, the speeds at which you met with those accidents, whether you survived or not... bla bla... That is completely irrelevant for me!

Do you think I really care if you or anyone else lives or dies just coz you or that person used a XYZ brand ultra safe helmet?? Hundreds of people die everyday and everyone has to die someday! Come on... be reasonable with yourself!
Well my LS2 isn't made in India. The ones made in India are sold by Vega who also manufacture it.