Question about voice recording in cell phones

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Guys, is it possible for S40 Nokias (or any other non smartphone from other manufacturers) to record unlimited voice? I need a phone urgently that can record at least 2-3 hours of voice, so I understand that I would need to buy with a large amount of internal mem or a card slot. However, most of the phones I tried at the local store can only record sound for a few minutes. Is there a Java app that can do this? If there is one, can it be installed on any S40 phone?

Please help!
AFAIK, it's not possible with S40 phones. Some models do come with a recorder, but that records beeps as well and the person at the other end does hear those *beeps* (i.e. he knows the call is being recorded).

You might want to try a S60 phone and use a third party tool like Total Call Recorder to record calls. This worked for me on my Nokia N97.
Nokia 2700 Classic is s40v5 and also has facility to record calls.i did recorded some conversation up to 10 min approx but that's not the max time.There is no beep while recording :).

Bandu said:
AFAIK, it's not possible with S40 phones. Some models do come with a recorder, but that records beeps as well and the person at the other end does hear those *beeps* (i.e. he knows the call is being recorded).

You might want to try a S60 phone and use a third party tool like Total Call Recorder to record calls. This worked for me on my Nokia N97.
From your post it is not clear to me what you want to record, whether voice in the room or the phone conversation. Most replies here assume you want to record the conversation.

If you want to record voices either a single person like a dictaphone or many voices as in a meeting, then I suggest you forget about buying a new mobile and buy yourself a Transcend T.sonic 630 MP3 player. It is absolutely superb for recording. And you can record for very long durations.

I have also tried the Sandisk Sansa but I think the transcend is much better.
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