Question for doctors here on TE - Fast answer will be appreciated!

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Hello guys,

One of my very good friends contracted Chicken pox 5 days ago (Tuesday). He had come to my house with another friend that day, and he did not have any symptom of having the disease at that time. I suppose the symptoms appeared only during the night or something.

I am a teenager and have never contracted chickenpox my entire life, so you understand I'm a little bit scared right now. Since I was with him that day, there's a good chance I will get it too. I want to ask the following things:

1) It has been 5 days and I am showing no symptoms yet. Can I still do something to prevent this?

2) Is there any precaution/drug/steps I should start taking right now?

3) Any guidance on the disease and what I should do in the duration of the disease will be appreciated.

Also, it should be noted that the infected person spent approximately one and a half hour with me during that day and I look a bath few hours later (hot bath). Maybe this would have some effect, maybe not.

So, the question is, is there anything I can do now? Please advise what I should do for during all the stages of chickenpox.


Infernus :)
2) Is there any precaution/drug/steps I should start taking right now?

There is....Pray to god...:P

Seriously speaking, u shud get the first hand advice from your family doctor about the precautions you need to take..He will be more capable of giving you the right suggestion and he may even be able to check for any symptoms.

Also i think, its never late to get a vaccine if u havent sufferred from this disease till now.. and thanks for reminding me, i've been thinking of getting a vaccine myself..:ashamed:
I asked a doctor about the vaccine and she said that a vaccine will only reduce the days I have to suffer by one or two at this point. The doctor also said that if I don't acquire any symptoms (mild fever, cough, sneezing, weakness) within the next 2-3 days then I'll probably be safe. But still :(
Once me to got infected by Cp. But do not worry he will be alright the thing you need to take into concern is try to separate his things from other, make him clean try to dress him in cotton clothes .. That what treatment I got :bleh: He will be alright give him bath regularly. And boiled food instead of oily one will give a bit more revive to him rest left for Med Sir :P
Darkstar said:
Once me to got infected by Cp. But do not worry he will be alright the thing you need to take into concern is try to separate his things from other, make him clean try to dress him in cotton clothes .. That what treatment I got He will be alright give him bath regularly. And boiled food instead of oily one will give a bit more revive to him rest left for Med Sir

Lol..darkstar, i think rit now darth is more concerned about himself than his friend...:lol: And he aint goin anywhr near a 500 meter radius of his friend's place, leave alone take care of him...:bleh:

@darth...: Bro, prolly u r thinking too much..just relax..if u do not have any symptoms as the doc said then u shud be fine..:)
neem ka pattha paste apllied on body should help .Drink lots of fluids.Watermelon is supossed to good.You have to just wait and watch the chicken pox to go .I have been infected once. Man it was a harrowing experience.:(

PS: I thought you had chicken pox.:P Relax Bro,Stop worrying .Since u are not showing any symptoms .u shld be fine .give this advice to ur friend.
come on its a nice experience . plus you get it once and you dont have to worry abt it .....go through it dude.... plus if you are lucky you get nice scars :D
kippu said:
come on its a nice experience . plus you get it once and you dont have to worry abt it .....go through it dude.... plus if you are lucky you get nice scars :D
so u would like to go for a second time experience.:P
technically it wont happen second time over , i once stayed with a girl who had it and it didnt come back coz i already had it in my teens
Get a vaccine. Period. It might not do anything if you have already contracted it though.

BTW, get vaccinated for Typhoid and Hepatitis also in the process. You never know when it will be come in handy.

I am a bachelor staying far from home and I have no guarantee about the water I drink in the society I live in. We drink directly off the tap since the society gives us a "drinking water" connection.

A friend of mine in Mumbai contracted hepatitis and had to go back to his home and now has been asked by the doc to take 3 months rest.

It was a hellish experience for him and he almost went into a coma.
btw, talkin about vaccines, i want some suggestions from ye all..i'm really scared tht a bad vaccine can make things worse, instead of giving is there any good brand of vaccines for CPox, small pox, Hepatitis and Typhoid which i can take without any worries about adverse effects??
Chocke pox is a highly contagious disease caused by infection by Vericella Zoster virus.

Its contagiousness depends upon timings of the rash (skin lesions) appearance, an infected person can spread the disease from 2 days prior to appearance of rash to complete drying of the rashes about 1 week.

So in all a person can be infectious for about 7-10 days.

The persons who have directly been in contact with a diseased person should wash their hands frequently specially before taking the food, take good hot bath twice a day.

Incubation period can be long enough till 10 days so you may get disease till 7-10 days after contact.

If you suffer from flu like symptoms, running nose, fever, abdominal pain, redness over skin, eruptions over skin, bowel disturbance you should consult your doctor immediately.

There are chances that if the Immunity of the person in doubt is good then infection cant occur.

But in adult patients the severity of disease is bit more that paediatric patients. so just a little care from your side and you will be happy :D.
medpal said:
If you suffer from flu like symptoms, running nose, fever, abdominal pain, redness over skin, eruptions over skin, bowel disturbance you should consult your doctor immediately.

So far, 6 days have passed and I suffer absolutely none of these symptoms....I hope that is a good sign.

medpal said:
wash their hands frequently specially before taking the food, take good hot bath twice a day.

I wash my hands at least 4 times a day, so I think thats a good relief. :)

So, what are my chances at the moment? :)

medpal said:
Its contagiousness depends upon timings of the rash (skin lesions) appearance, an infected person can spread the disease from 2 days prior to appearance of rash to complete drying of the rashes about 1 week.

Before the actual rash appears, if I remember right the only way the disease spreads is by droplets i.e. from cough or sneezing. Is that right? I know that my friend was not coughing or sneezing during the time he was with me....My friend had no rashes either at the time. Regarding baths, I usually bathe only once a day, but with hot water, and I bathe for 40 mins. approx so that I can put more soap and end up smelling better :P

But I'll start taking multiple baths from today. :)
as you said 6 days have passed so i think the chances of you getting infected with this person are very negligible.

two more days pass and the chances will become almost nil.

those hand wash and bathing care instruction are especially during the contact period.

The infection spreads through air, by means of sneeze, cough, while speaking, yawning, and like.
Question: How would speaking and yawning spread the disease when varicella is mainly deposited only in mucus?

Nice to see the chances are good....better take extra care today and tomorrow. :D
Private Ryan said:
Perhaps this article shud help u more...;) But there are a few worrisome things tht i'll desist from elaborating..better read it urself...

You don't HAVE to get chicken pox

Ryan, I read a lot more worrisome things than that particular article. Something I also read is that the RNA of the varicella virus gets "inactivated" due to heat (I'm guessing this is why hot baths are recommended), so cases in summer are quite rare to be honest, especially in Indian summer :P

But still, my friend had it and hence I am also at risk. And since medpal is a good doctor, I'll follow his advice.

BTW, thanks a lot medpal for your insight. :)
U want a 100% full proof vaccine- get infected pal.:ohyeah:

The BEST time is to come in contact with your friend when his blisters have dried up and he is shedding the scabs.:)

Trust me- chicken pox in adulthood is lot more severe and just imagine what will happen if one day in your future, your kid gets chicken pox and you get infected too.:(
EDIT: Imagine whatta disaster it will be if you get it sometime in higher class/college and your girlfriend avoid you or dumps you after that.:(

So prevention is better than cure but sometimes the infection is the cure.:P

So take that varicella vaccine to reduce the severity of CP, Bathe with Hot water with a few neem leaves soaked before hand and sleep with neem leaf twigs around and use them to lightly scratch your scabs.
No peeling else it will leave permanent scars.

So get infected and get 100% vaccinated for life- Enjoi.:thumb:
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