questions about android,galaxy nexus and iphone 5


Hello guys i am back again with a new query.In my previous thread i asked you guys for which mobile should i go for?so here are some more questions

  • How is the android market compared to istore?

I will use the device for:

  • Calling
  • Whatsapping
  • Listening to music
  • Playing all the latest games including FPS,racing games
  • facebook
  • twitter
  • surfing web

The android phones i have shortlisted are galaxy nexus and htc one x.i like galaxy nexus more because of its UI.So will galaxy nexus be able to do all the tasks i have mentioned?Will nexus and one x receive next android update?Please mention other android phones with large screen and good ui(except s3 hate touch wiz).I personally prefer iphone over droid because of two reasons:

  • its a status symbol
  • it has more apps and games

whats your take on that?

please also tell me when is iphone 5 launching in india?and will its unlocked models be available in india?and what about nano sim?will it be available like normal sims?
You get almost all games and apps on Android that are available for Iphone. Most of the devs develop apps for both platforms now.

It is much better to use those apps on a bigger android screen. Go for the Gnex. Only problem is that you won't have warranty. It will continue to receive all the updates directly from Google . Once Google abandons it the Devs will provide you with the latest updates. And you won't have to put up with ui like sense and touchwiz.

The build quality of Gnex isn't bad either. It's not as good as the HTC one x or the Iphone 5(going by the pics). But it feels a lot better than the plasticky S3