Laptops Questions about gaming laptop batteries & laptops


Noob questions -
1. How long do gaming laptop batteries last considering that even when they are brand new they seem to give a backup of 1-2 hours for gaming at best without being plugged in?
2. Does battery performance change according to the moolah you're paying? ( I think not, but open to gyaan from gyaani ppl.)
3. What is the average life of a gaming laptop that has seen, for e.g., 2-3 hours of gaming every day & 8-9 hours of non-GPU, CPU intensive office work ?

Thanks & regards
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1. How long do gaming laptop batteries last considering that even when they are brand new they seem to give a backup of 1-2 hours for gaming at best without being plugged in?
Take this with a grain of salt but from my experience, gaming laptop batteries are really just there as a formality for the lack of a better word; they're not meant to be used on battery while doing intensive tasks, but for that reason we still have throttling, power states and technologies like smartshift to keep them running well despite being extremely power-draw limited. They have gotten better over time but it's always been and probably will continue to be a formality of sorts. Heat is a very important factor here: you want to keep your laptop as cool as possible/viable in any scenario, and you want to use any features it has like MyASUS' battery power capacity limit to keep it a little far from full charge (60-80%). Some of this sounds counterintuitive especially if you intend to use it on battery power so you'll have to work your way around with your own laptop, experimenting a little bit and so on. Just keep heat in mind.
2. Does battery performance change according to the moolah you're paying?
Not exactly, but lower TDP gpus like the Nvidia Max-Q lineup will often indirectly imply lower power draw for a similar performance both on battery and off of it, so if you look at it that way, sometimes buying a cheaper laptop with lower TDP/power limited gpus is going to be better than buying their more expensive, usual variants once you switch to battery power. Again, this is very hard to predict unless you know exactly what models of laptops you're comparing so the answer just comes down to 'no' as you expected. :)
3. What is the average life of a gaming laptop that has seen, for e.g., 2-3 hours of gaming every day & 8-9 hours of non-GPU, CPU intensive office work ?
I've been using an FX505DY which is pretty bottom barrel when it comes to gaming laptops and it's been through an year and half of similar conditions as the ones you mentioned albeit I tend to leave it on much longer than 8-9 hours in the day, still works like new. This is another question which varies with laptop models, environments and such but end of the day if you clean it every once in 3-4 months or so, make sure you look at problems as soon as they pop up instead of ignoring them (fans rattling = replace fans or have them fixed, dead pixels on display = use your warranty immediately), it should last as long as you have it with you. Even the cheap rebranded gaming laptops are supposed to endure fairly rough use and last longer than 4-5 years in any state, so a little bit of attention goes a very long way with these.

TLDR clean your laptop and keep it cool it'll last long enough :p
Noob questions -
1. How long do gaming laptop batteries last considering that even when they are brand new they seem to give a backup of 1-2 hours for gaming at best without being plugged in?
2. Does battery performance change according to the moolah you're paying? ( I think not, but open to gyaan from gyaani ppl.)
3. What is the average life of a gaming laptop that has seen, for e.g., 2-3 hours of gaming every day & 8-9 hours of non-GPU, CPU intensive office work ?

Thanks & regards
1. There isnt much of a difference coming to battery part but I have even heard that gaming laptops tend to have much less battery power than normal laptops. My cousin is using one i7 asus touch gaming laptop he bought some 5yrs ago. His battery died last year and he has to use it plugged to a direct source. He isnt keen on battery change nor does he game anymore. He used to get some 2hrs of battery life while gaming back then.

2. Yes it does depending on how intensive the application or game is. Totally overread it to "playing instead of paying"
As said in first point gaming laptops tend to have much less battery power than normal laptops but now a days laptops have came up with great battery life such as 8hr etc. So practically even if one gets 5hrs of juice its too much imo. My wifes dell ryzen laptop which she received from her employer has outrageous battery life and gives around 5-6 hrs in one charge. Of course only office business like outlook, teams and browser and document/spreadsheet work yet its commendable.

3. They say that gaming laptops have high durability and quality components compared to normal ones but eod it totally depends on how well you maintain it, care for it. I use a normal touch laptop daily for 10hrs straight and so my cousin who is using his asus gaming for similar time. No issues whatsoever. We maintain our devices pretty nicely so they serve us well!
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