Questions about GPRS.

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i am planning to get GPRS.. called vodafone today.. they have vodafone live for 99rs unlimited.. but as u know the very efficient cc guy are well informed, they had no idea what they were talking!
from what he told me, my understanding is i can use only wap websites, does that mean i cannot browse the normal websites??
he also said the download charges are 10ps for 10kb..but browsing is free.. i am still not sure what is considered as browsing and what is download? us youtube browsing or download??
one final question..
if i have skype/fring on my phone, can i call to say my bro who also has skype on his phone via gprs, if yes what are the charges??

p.s. i have nokia 5230, not too happy with it..looks like a cheap knockoff :(
my understanding is i can use only wap websites, does that mean i cannot browse the normal websites??

The Vodafone GPRS settings by default, are configured for the phone's basic (WAP) browser, which can only load WAP sites.

Think you need a different internet plan for mobile apps./EDGE (please confirm)

he also said the download charges are 10ps for 10kb..but browsing is free..

[strike]That's correct. What he meant to say is you are not being charged while browsing (reading through) the webpage, just went it loads (download) for the first time. A webpage(inc. of images, animation) loading in the browser does account for download, although not by much. A few KBs at the most. [/strike] Sorry, missed the word UNLIMITED. :P

In this case, you are only charged for the premium content you download from their portal or other premium sites. All other forms of data transfer is covered by the plan, in the name of 'Unlimited'. :)

does that mean i cannot browse the normal websites??

Correct. You'll need Opera for that.

if i have skype/fring on my phone, can i call to say my bro who also has skype on his phone via gprs

Install Skype on your phone and give it a try. Another option would be iSkoot.

Hope this helps.
thetoxicmind said:

That's correct. What he meant to say is you are not being charged while browsing (reading through) the webpage, just went it loads (download) for the first time. A webpage(inc. of images, animation) loading in the browser does account for download, although not by much. A few KBs at the most.

I guess by downloading they mean, downloading from their online portal and not from some third party website. This is assuming the plan is a full fledged internet one. Its like downloading from Airtel Live (wallpapers ringtones etc in case someone is on airtel n/w)
Yes, I second raksrules...and in Rs 99, they are offering you Vodafone live...and you won't be able to use Skype...if you want to use Skype...get Vodafone Mobile Connect...
mobile connect seems to be quite expensive..

about what raks says, the vodafone guy said the website charges apply, he clarified saying whatever the website charges, those i need to pay.

am still confused about the downloads, he said even youtube video are not considered as downloads which i find hard to believe,

i have opera browser and quite a lot of symbian apps, but still not sure if its worth going for gprs, according to him the speed is around 30-40 kbps..which is completely useless other than to kill time on the phone.

anybody here has vodafone gprs? maybe can give more info!
vodafone doesn't charge you for surfing and downloading from free download sites and so watching video youtube would not be charged

and about the speed on gprs the speed is not so good for one to kill time and sometimes it may get even boring instead due to the low speeds
@salluks VL only works with wap sites. That is correct. The plan is Rs. 95 for 2 GB (in Bangalore). But again, only for WAP sites.

Packet data transfer is allowed on VMC (Vodafone Mobile Connect). There is no unlimited plan for that in prepaid. In postpaid I think it is 399.

Airtel Mobile Office costs the same as VL (Rs 98 for 2GB) but allows packet data transfer as well.

Not sure about Tata Docomo as they have the cheapest GPRS plan (50 bucks or so for 2GB). Maybe some one using Docomo GPRS can shed some light on that.
Download charges are those premium charges when you download data like ringtones wallpapers.if your plan is unlimited i.e no data capped you do not have to worry. Also for apps in your 5230 set your default connection as that of voda fone live.
Speeds though less you wont be charged unless you use mobile connect
Docomo allows packet have to use TATA.DOCOMO.INTERNET apn...for Rs 98/- they provide 6GB usage per month...

Sorry about the oversight. Edited my post.


Thanks for pointing it out.


I doubt he'll change his service provider, over an attractive (GPRS) internet plan. Yeah?

VL only works with wap sites. That is correct. But again, only for WAP sites.

Packet data transfer is allowed on VMC (Vodafone Mobile Connect). There is no unlimited plan for that in prepaid.

Spot on!

I am still confused about the downloads, he said even youtube video are not considered as downloads which i find hard to believe,

i have opera browser and quite a lot of symbian apps, but still not sure if its worth going for gprs, according to him the speed is around 30-40 kbps..which is completely useless other than to kill time on the phone.

anybody here has vodafone gprs? maybe can give more info!

1. Youtube = loading of the video = data transfer = free = unlimited. So yes, it's possible.

However, with a GPRS connection, I highly doubt you'll enjoy the experience. :P

2. For basic browsing through Opera, a GPRS connection is quite alright.

A better experience would be EDGE, which starts off at 256Kbps.

3. I use Vodafone's internet (EDGE) services on my phone, primarily with Opera Mini.

Speeds are good, charged on the basis of my usage, 10KB - 10P.

Looks like all your questions have been answered. :)
^ur right, i am not changing my provider over GPRS, Ive had the connection for over 6 yrs, so not option of changing at all..

does 5230 support EDGE? - does edge come with something like 99 bucks unlimited??? or is it a mobile thing rather than the operator?

whats the fun in having all latest and greatest mobiles and not have decent browsing experience, i was considering upgrading my phone to better one. but i dunno if its worth with what GPRS we are offered.. mobile connect seems to be very expensive since i already have broadband!
does 5230 support EDGE?

Yep, EDGE class B, multislot class 32, maximum speed 177/296 kbps (DL/UL)

does edge come with something like 99 bucks unlimited

As mentioned previously, NO.

or is it a mobile thing rather than the operator?


With time, we will probably get unlimited EDGE plans, but not in the near future.

I mean, 3G is yet to roll out (all SPs) in the country!

You know how long these things take...
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