Quitting job during recession and doing MS in USA during recession?

Whatever decision you take, make sure you aren't doing it just because of the recession. I'm not denying its impact, but if you base your decision purely depending on it, you MAY regret it later. And then again, doing an MS in the US isn't that lucrative anymore. Do it if you want to, if that's really your passion, and not just cause its what many are doing, and not to get paid more in the short run.

And if you aren't happy with an I.T job (many aren't anymore), why not consider a change if fields? Look into what you really like and enjoy doing. Explore multiple options and look into the pros and cons of each. In the end, people can only suggest. Your the one who knows your situation, and have to decide accordingly.
^+1 - ask yourself why you want to do an MS/MBA. As checksum said, MS in the US is no longer as lucrative as it was, and is by no means a guarantee to a job anywhere.

Do look at options in India -i.e. MTech from an IIT or any institute where research is done - while it may not have the "glamour" associated with the "MS from US" its a damn good option from a cost-benefit perspective.

and now for something completely different </python>

Try and ride out the recession with your company- it will give you an excellent angle to spin in interviews/performance appraisals - like how you were there for them when the chips were down and whatnot - loyalty does sell :D
Aces170 said:
Aah, but today's recession is unlike the 2001 which was a dot-com bust, this recession is across sectors starting from financial services and going all the way to real-estate. This is a once in a life-time recession, and I dont think it has started reversing just yet. Now the big question is will all the sectors start splurging on their IT budget, once the economy recovers? Maybe, maybe not, but I am working in one of the big banks in trouble :), and trust me they require a huge technology overhaul, work efficiency and reliability is still a long way from being desirable.

Agree !!!

Its bigger than that - caused by some greedy wolves who pretend to be world leaders. And it will take time to reverse.

Though this time, response from governments across the globe has been instantaneous and positive. They have pumped tons of money. This will have some impact at least.

As per firms spending on their IT - I think survival is what comes first at this point of time. Everybody have seen what happened to Lehman Bros - all of them have got wet pants :). Survival is the need of the hour. And I am sure no one would like to go into a depression that may last for years or decades - No one !!! Once they are through only then technology overhaul will be done.

That's why this is a right time to study and be prepared for the good times, for that will come - may be sooner or later. As I mentioned earlier - its a cycle.

BTW I am working with an IT firm; and everyone knows whats happening to IT. :)
I had have a friend who did his B.Tech at IIT, held a research position at a big institute in Europe and is now at a Tier 1 college in the US. Has been trying to get a research position/ teaching assistant position for 4 months now and no luck. :S

So I would suggest that, after you decide on college, try to find out as much as you can about the job positions from seniors.

You said your current job is more or less Frustrated, underpaid

I am job less for last 4 months. I am from Finance

Believe me its not a best time to change or left job; only if you are sure you can finance you study either on your own [job etc] or through Loan/Family support.

In my case I have to resign because my supervisor got 2 increment on my performance.

He got 1st increment of 15%; second increment of 25%.

I got to know this from one of his rival. I just checked and found it true.

I asked him for 10% increase he said its against company policy to increase salary before 1 year. When I said you got 2 increment in 9 months he was speech less.

I resigned; after resigning from my post they have to hire 2 person for the work I do. Their total salary [2 persons] was equal to 160% of my last salary drawn.

The most chilling part was this: My supervisor deposited excess Rs. 1,01,785/- TAX :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Cheif Finance officer {CFO} penalize him for this act, though he was {CFO} the same person who didn't bother about my request for salary increase.:mad:

My brother if you are not suffering from these kind of supervisors. You are in right company.

As far as overwork concern I had to work for 9:30 AM to 9:00 PM in 3 to 4 out of 6 days.

Take your own decision

I really dont have any regret for leaving my job:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :eek:hyeah:

Only my bank balance reducing day by day:cool2:
Sleepless nights (As if I am in love with Aishwarya Rai):cool2:
Low appetite:(
I am still doing my engineering and i thought about this. My financial status is not very good and i heard that there are fewer assistant-ship being given nowadays. so instead i am choosing to do GATE instead of GRE.Have u tried colleges in other countries?