R enclavians commited or single?

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am i the only one married ? :P. surely there are others out here no?

but i married a geek too ,met her on one of the graphic forums , there is life after marriage , dont worry about it
Permanent Commitment = bye bye high end system. For sure. Probably first thing that will go out of the balcony. Will have to make do with IGP. :(

Will be 'permanently committed' ..... very soon. Ooooh my XfireX.
jeffrain123 said:
after u tighten the knot, they wont stop the yapping........and a fightback is probably a non terminating process......
Redundancy 100% ensured.....
Fightback is more interesting when you're not involved with them :ohyeah:

..otherwise yes every man on this planet knows that it goes from rational to emotional inside of 3 sentences.
To be honest for total geeks like me, its hard to get committed cause you just dont wanna find time for anything else besides you and your computer and some gadgets. Been into a relationship 3 times out of which the max one lasted for like 2 months :P. I get irritated by the call me everyday and night policy and those 10 min long goodbyes.
Watching the arguments are fun.......only you wanna get out when they turn on to you for the conclusion as to who's right and who's not.....
I think I'm committed but my better half doesn't know yet.. i guess that makes me single. :S

But seriously, I really doubt anyone who has the free time to go through this entire thread is committed! :P
Things in men's room before marriage-
Perfumes, Luv lettrs,
Gifts, HT system, Laptop, Cards, N97,iPhone, i7 750 with 12GB, R15 outside, etc.....

After marriage
Pain killers, Loan papers,Unpaid bills, Radio, Nokia1100, P4 with 64MB, Bajaj beat-up scooter :-)
Been permanently committed for the past 3years now. It has its own ups and downs but as they say opposites attract, its fun when you try to find solid ground between a conflict.
malhotraraul said:
it all depends on who want to know ?

perfectly said :ohyeah::hap2: !

And to be honest, personally i dont think i will be able to commit ever again. Some sorta Defense mechanism it seems :P ;), it just doesnt feel right :no:!
jeffrain123 said:
things in men's room before marriage-
perfumes, luv lettrs,
gifts, ht system, laptop, cards, n97,iphone, i7 750 with 12gb, r15 outside, etc.....

After marriage
pain killers, loan papers,unpaid bills, radio, nokia1100, p4 with 64mb, bajaj beat-up scooter :-)

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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