Racedriver grid not working in Win 7 RC1

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while playing Grid an Error message comes up

The program can't start because Xinput1_3.dll is missing from your computer .Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.

Should I install Directx 9 runtime in windows 7
DX9 can be installed alongwith DX10 or DX11 in Windows ... Otherwise , not sure about it but u can try to run the game in compatibility mode by scrolling to properties in context menu and then choosing Compatibility.
@clown, what does that mean?? Am playing GRID on win7 RC1 without any problem and completed 50% of the game.

@rahul, you may need to do repair of windows 7 RC1 once.
desiibond said:
@clown, what does that mean?? Am playing GRID on win7 RC1 without any problem and completed 50% of the game.

@rahul, you may need to do repair of windows 7 RC1 once.

U must have installed a game which during installation would have installed DirectX and hence its working. :cool2:
rahul5 said:
while playing Grid an Error message comes up

The program can't start because Xinput1_3.dll is missing from your computer .Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.

Should I install Directx 9 runtime in windows 7

Downlaod and install "OpenAL".. it willl fix the issue. (happens in XP too)
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