Storage Solutions Raid 1 performance with on onBoard SATA controllers.

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Firstly before i get flamed I would like to point out I know exactly what Raid is and I have used it before. Now I am coming to my specific question, which I am not able to find after searching. I know that Raid-1's focus is on redundancy, mirroring can improve performance by allowing read requests to be distributed between the two drives (although not all RAID 1 implementations take advantage of this opportunity).

So I would like to know if our onBoard SATA controllers make use of this or do they simply pull data from one drive while reading? As this would give no performance if they only pull data from one drive. I know I can test this using HD tach but I dont have spare drives to test. Does anyone know this for sure? I want to implement RAID -1 but only if my onboard controller supports reading from multiple drives at once, I am not interested so much in backup.

Before you guys jump and suggest RAID -0 for me though a certainly good option, I would prefer Raid-1 if my controller supports multiple reads for obvious reasons, I have had my RAID-0 drive fail on my a few times.

Please suggest or help or point me to some sites where they have compared onboard RAID. Any place where they compare Raid -1 and Raid -0 with onboard controllers for read speed, I dont care too much about write speeds as about read speeds. Thanks a lot.
Have a great weekend.

For performance, look at either a faster drive or a dedicated hardware RAID controller. Don't rely on chipset software-based RAID solutions to give you a speed boost. They don't work, not even RAID 0 - the controller overhead is substantial unless you're reading and writing large chunks of data. For most practical purposes, it's useless. And I've tried, and the speed increase does not mitigate the risk of data loss. RAID 1 is worse because it writes to both drives at the same time, increasing write speed, which is a bigger bottleneck than read speed.
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