I am surprised there was no mention of this announcement on the forums! No Rainbow Six fans here? 
News: Rainbow Six Patriots is official, controversial - ComputerAndVideoGames.com
Finally after 5 years and Vegas 2, the next Rainbow Six game turns up. Suhweet!
Question is would it be developed on the UE 4? UE 3 is as good as outdated by 2013.

CVG said:Ubisoft's officially announced the much leaked Rainbow 6 Patriots for release on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC in 2013.
Developed by Ubisoft Montreal with "support" from Ubisoft Toronto and Ubisoft Red Storm, Patriots revolves around "a dynamic single-player storyline that captures the reality of modern-day terrorism and allows players to experience it from multiple characters' perspectives," says Ubi.
As rumoured, the new game sees Team Rainbow take on a new terrorist threat called the "True Patriots," a highly-trained, well-organized revolutionary group that claim the American government is irrevocably corrupted by greedy politicians and corporate special interests.
Playing as Team Rainbow, players will face critical scenarios that will require them to make tough ethical decisions in order to stop this new breed of terrorists, says Ubisoft.
According to earlier leaks the Patriots campaign will see payers encounter multiple "drastically" different mission endings based on their decisions in the story. One supposed example includes terrorists breaking into a home and kidnapping a stranger. Players then take on the role of that stranger and are forced to hold a trigger button to prevent a vest loaded with explosives from blowing up.
Later, on a heavily-populated bridge in New York City, the perspective shifts, having you control the Rainbow 6 team to take down the terrorists and take out the hapless, walking bomb.
To see a target gameplay video head over to Game Informer by clicking here.
News: Rainbow Six Patriots is official, controversial - ComputerAndVideoGames.com
Finally after 5 years and Vegas 2, the next Rainbow Six game turns up. Suhweet!

Question is would it be developed on the UE 4? UE 3 is as good as outdated by 2013.