PC Peripherals RAM Comparision Needed.

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Which is the best Brand for 2x512 MB Value DDR 400 Ram out of the following -

1) Kingston.
2) TwinMos.
3) Transcend.
4) Zion Hynix.

Then comes Hynix D43. Then Transcend. then Kingston.

But i you are lucky, sometimes Kingston Value RAM is actually nothing but Hynix D43....
Funny Nikhil.....but the hynix modules I've used seemed to have some probs or the other.....maybe it was a 1 off....but it happened with 3 modules.....I'd rate kingston as very good as far as qual goes.......cause their burn in's are the most rigorous....

Transcend may be having different qual bins for their mem (manufacturers do that these days).....Twinmos is a brand which people say good things about but I have no personal exp.

I'd rate:
1. Kingston
2. Transcend
3. Twinmos
4. Hynix

Nikhil said:

Then comes Hynix D43. Then Transcend. then Kingston.

But i you are lucky, sometimes Kingston Value RAM is actually nothing but Hynix D43....
at stock speeds nothing would matter much.

When it comes to overclocking none are too great but Twinmos is certainly better on most motherboards.

Hynix D43 overclocks well if you provide it some volts.

Twinmos will overclock to 230-240Mhz with 2.5-3-3-7 with just 2.7-2.8v most of the times.

Kingston and Transcend suck when it comes to overclocking unless you are in luck with D43 modules on Kingston.

Twinmos gives you assured 230Mhz bare minimum. I have personally tested 6 Twinmos modules and every single one has done minimum 230Mhz.
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