BTW, if you were looking for a 'good review' as mentioned by @santhoshr, you could have written it yourself (like kenpachiroks did for RE-400). My review would be based on my biases, tastes and preferences which may not exactly align with yours![]()
Quoting from our PM " I read your review a few days after the purchase and I felt that it was quite different from what I've been hearing. I noticed though, that you reviewed the standard model and I'm having the ltd edition one with the crossover/ filter tweaked!! Would you care to review the ltd edition red 535s ??!!

Lol... I wasn't looking for any 'good' review (you reviewed a different earphone (535 Clear)), but rather a review of the revised earphone which was different to my ears in some aspects from what was mentioned in your review of the original SE535. Me writing a review on my own was plan B, if you hadn't been free to accept the ltd editions for review. But the problem with me reviewing is that I've never heard the original Shure SE535 to judge how much better/different the SE535-ltd is. So in a way if I had written a review of the 535 ltd, it would be rather contradicting to your review of the original SE535 in some aspects and because I don't have a earphone/s belonging to the same tier for comparison it would be a my mere impressions rather than a review. And also it would be my first review against your N th review and thus my review would have been null or void against yours if it was contradicting and had no comparisons