Random Yellow-Light-of-Death

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Doctor Pen and Scalpel
Been getting the Yellow Light of Death (and 3 beeps) on my 40GB PS3 for the past 2 days.Whats strange is that they are totally random and the PS3 works fine if i turn it on again.They seem to come if i startup from a cold Start. Once I get the Yellow Light,I just press the Power button and it starts up properly.I can even turn it off and restart the PS3 without getting the Yellow Light.
Usually people get the yellow light and the system doesnt boot after that.
Anyone else hav any experience with the yellow light here?And any info about Service will be helpful.
Im running 3.56 now,going to upgrade to 3.66 now.
Thats a strange thing, but if i am not wrong, and speaking from expericence your PS3 is going to YLOD anytime soon.:( Its the end of your PS3.

If its under warranty, check with Sony service center.
i seem to hav noticed something...

i get the error only from a cold start...like first time in the morning,or if i turn it off for some time

if i keep it on standby and turn it on,it comes on fine...

also i seem to hear a few random clicking during startup...
The YLOD is just an attempt by angry 360 fan boys who's consoles break every two seconds to get back at us.

I have spoken! :P

IF your games are working properly there is nothing to worry about.
Take the old console to Sony and check if they are willing to part with a new one for half the price.
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