(Rant) Different versions of Android ?

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Anyone, if it's genuine.

I am specifically looking to know if somebody has been at the receiving end of Android fragmentation. Like you bought Phone Y believing it to be "Android" but later realized that due to an older version the phone is not even half good as compared to Android phones with new versions in them.
se x10;)

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yes...I felt the same when I brought SE x10...

Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
only thing that qualifies as an android horror story for me is when i wiped out my entire google contacts when trying to get my phone contacts up and running

then again, it was a third party app which did it, so cant blame android
he he, the thread title said share "horror story" because I am looking for one.

I am writing a feature report for a newspaper on Android fragmentation and how it affects users and hoped that somebody will share his/her first-hand experience with it.
As long as you are on android 1.6 or even 1.5 and above you wont face problems with most apps in the market.

Sure there are performance and feature advantages with Android 2.1 and 2.2 but when it comes to apps, you are set even if you have Android 1.6 phone.

And honestly you are suppose to make sure you know what you are buying. All information is on the web.
you really cant say horror stories, because in terms of fragmentation, at the worst, android is like the average non smartphone OS, and at best, bloody awesome.

nothing much to fault here :P
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