Rare time date event tonight!


Ello everyone,
Rare Time Date event tonite, this will occur on 4th May in INDIA, coz of the way we write our date (but in the US its today)... this is not gonna occur until the next 1000 years (obviously, DUH!)......Tonight @ 01:02:03 AM, the time & date put togerther will form a cool sequence ....
Hour 01
Minute 02
Second 03
Month 04
Day 05
Year 06
Happy 01:02:03 on 04/05/06
(According to the US way of writin')
interesting well there are lot of such days dude only that we dont see it in this way for example

2:03:04 and date 5/6/7

see something similar is happening next year too...so nothing great abt this:bleh: