PC Peripherals rat attack on pc


my bro's pc was kinda attacked by rats.he'd left the case open and lying on its side.now the psu(corsair hx620) and sata cables have been chewed up.the psu was extensively damaged,its 24 pin cable and some other cables have been eaten through :S.he says the psu is still in warranty,but can it be repaired?other than the wires,nothing else seems to be damaged.it was purchased locally,and the dealer refused to take it.where to get it serviced?is it possible to send it to corsair for service(paid or something)?he talked to some local repair shop,who offered to have the wires repaired but he's not willing to hand it over.
Try emailing corsair, or posting your question on their forums.

Don't give it to your local repair guy as he'll use inferior quality wires...and void your warranty.

Obviously this sort of damage isn't covered by your warranty, but if you do manage to get it fixed through the service centre it may not affect the rest of your warranty.

Here are a list of service centre numbers I pulled off the corsair forums.

Inspan Infotech ::-inspan-:: +91 4432975580
Kobian Kobian Pte Ltd 65 63383368
Tirupati Enterprises Welcome to Tirupati Enterprises +91 33 22251192

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Kaizen Infoserve Pvt Ltd., .::. Login

They handle corsairs rma in India.
well,will try talking to them.inspan and kaizen have offices in bangalore,so i guess itd be better to go to their office and enquire.will talk to them beforehand.