Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

guy ritchie's sherlock holmes. i'd probably give it a 7 or 8 out of 10. for one, i felt the movie dragged on a bit too long... especially in the middle where the story got bogged down. and secondly, the plot itself... i don't know... i was expecting some awesome mystery story with great twists but this story didn't really have a sherlock holmes feel to it. still, it's always fun to watch a stylish guy ritchie movie :)
Watched the following in the last one week:
Time travellers wife: 7/10
Zombieland: 7/10 ( i was expecting a lot of action and adrenalin in the movie...kinda dissapointing with just 1 scene for kill of the week sequence)
Beyond a reasonable doubt: 6/10(again expected more from a douglas movie)
chance pe dance: 4/10 (see it only at home)
paranormal activity: 7/10(saw both the endings in bluray in the night:))
law abiding citizen: 7.5/10 (ending was bad...rest was ok)
saw a very hyped se7en

although he comes only for a short time, but the movie belonged to him

people who have seen the movie know who i m talking about
sherlock holmes - 7.7/10

sherlock holmes wasnt really doyle's holmes though some main points have been pointed out ni the movie

seems the movie was only a pretense to introduce moriarty in the sequel

anthony hopkins would be a great moriarty :p
2012: WHAT WAS I THINKING? Yet another "Day After Tomorrow" movie. No prophecy, no backgrounds, stupid plot, crapped out stupid typical Indian Geologist / copper mine worker :S, No harm shown to Indian monuments specially Taj Mahal.. (too sad)

Rating: 5/10 (that too just for its special effects, which again was humbug)
Watched AVATAR, this movie is beyond impressive and comletely blew my mind away with mind-blowing scenery of pandora jungle. breathtakng 3D visual effects.overall an outstandng movie..

9.5/10 :ohyeah:
the yes men change the world .... nice documentary on 2 guys pulling pranks to better the world

Age of stupid ... another documentary on how we are destroying the world
sherlock holmes - 9/10

simply for making a movie that provided enough action to be a action movie rather than a suspense timepass... loved it for the plot... the details were a bit let down compare to the novel...

regards neo