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I think you should be giving as much credit to the animators as well, if not more. Serkis' mo cap data is a starting point which is then refined by animators. So it's anybody's guess as to who should be given more credit.

Animators get credit for animation, Andy Serkis for his voice, facial expressions and body language, which is more important.
Never heard of Sehar. Is it 'UP-swear-word' free. Cause: else I will not watch it. I just cannot tolerate Hindi swear words in movies. That is why, Omkara is one of my most hated movies, till date.

Omkara had swear words? :confusion:

I think Sehar is pretty tame, language wise. Very "shuddh" hindi used. Sounds so damn polite (I was in Allahabad for a few years, people spoke such polite Hindi - always "aap" and "hum". Then I had to go to Haryana, that's a different city altogether :|)
dog day afternoon 10/10 great movie

strangers on a train 7/10 didn't liked it much,maybe the expectations were too high or the style didn't suit me.Although i liked rope and planning to watch other movies as well

Ferris beullar's day off 5/10 didn't liked it

Mr Nobody - can't rate it right now,would have to watch it again,but a must watch from my side
Animators get credit for animation, Andy Serkis for his voice, facial expressions and body language, which is more important.

The process isn't as straight forward as it may seem. This article by Scott Squires explains it pretty well.

It's a long read though, & to quote directly from it -

"It might seem that once the motion data is captured it could simply be applied to the CG model and viola - a moving character that exactly matches the performance of the actor down to the smallest detail. But alas, such is not the case by a long shot...."

"....In the case of performance capture the raw acting that is captured has to manipulated and in some cases shoe horned in to match a much different CG character. Each one of those involves a creative and technical choice. Performance capture currently also isn't a pure process. Animators and others will have to correct for glitches in the data and oversee sections where the acting performance was lost due to technology limits. This is especially true for facial capture where animators have to adjust and fill in much of the details to get it to match a much different character face."

& this is coming from a guy who has been in the industry for more than 30 years & has such movies in his bio.
@kidrow I never said it's only the actor who has to be given the credit, but the majority of it should go to him. Animation skills are also important to bring fantasy characters to life, especially humanoid characters as we expect them to be realistic.
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A good day turned an average day, blame it on Prometheus :facepalm:.
After watching the awesome Hobbit after a few hours, ignoring everyone's advise I went ahead and saw that horrible movie called Prometheus. I wont dignify it with a rating but will surely give my thoughts.

Prometheus(2012): The worst movie I have seen after Arachnid (2001). Looked like Ridley Scott had everything required to make a good movie except for a good story. I think he found a giant pot of gold and couldn't find a better way to spend it. Visuals aside (which hardly matter) this movie is absolutely crap for two days and going I am still WTF! absolute waste of time. I am very lucky that I didnt see it in the theaters had planned to watch it in 3D for fortunately a friend backed out at the last moment.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012) (9.5/10): Watched it in HFR 3D, dont know whether it was the placebo effect or for real but watching it really felt very good and refreshing. Great acting and a more strong adherence to the actual story that that of the LoTR. Richard Armitage and Gollum were very good. Long--I dont care I love long movies. 3D was well done. Best of all the audience was good because there was hardly anyone Icing on the cake: there are two more to come and not to worry as they have already been shot and assured release in next December and the next December.

The Perfect Storm (2000) 7/10: (Staring George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg) An average movie. Truth be told I expected more of this movie since it had Clooney but turned out to be just another movie. Based on a real event-a hurricane hitting the US east coast in '91. the movie tells about a swordfisher captained by Clooney. The hurricane scenes where the ship and the coast guard struggles are very well done. I shiver what men had to undergo when they are caught in such disastrous situations. Worth a watch for that sequence.

Walk on Water (2004) 7/10: Came across this movie while searching for a song with the same title and gave it a shot. The movie is Israeli, bit of Hebrew and German mixed around with English, as expected. The movie explores the enmity of the hatred in the Israeli's hearts in a way. Its about an assignment given to a troubled Mossad agent to learn about the whereabouts of a Nazi war criminal and how he finally goes about his assignment and how his view change.
Worth watching once.
english vinglish = 8/10. a good movie. sridevi acts vintage . doesnt disappoint the bourne legacy: 6/10total letdown.nothing great other than stunts.story? where was it?nothing came close to the level what matt damon took it to.
crazy stupid love : 7/10. Movie drags a bit in midway but a good romcom watch.

jump street 21 : drinking bear ?? with friends ?? Wanna have a good laugh ? try this out :) 7/10

kickass : 7.5/10 great comaction with good background score during fights. Nicholas cage fans please dont watch because of him. He is TOTALLY overshadowed by the kiddos.

Pulp fiction : wtf ?? Maybe I am not in the leauge of the people who admire such movies :(. Anyone who really would like to own a BR disc for same ? 6/10. Loved some parts but all in all a downer for me.

12 monkeys : actualy good. Brad pitt proves again and btuce !! well hats off. 8/10.

toy story 1 : 8.5/10

toy story 2 : 8/10

toy story 3 : 7/10 : It was dragged.

Ronin : good movie with really good car chases :). 8/10
kidrow I never said it's only the actor who has to be given the credit, but the majority of it should go to him. Animation skills are also important to bring fantasy characters to life, especially humanoid characters as we expect them to be realistic.

It's clear from the article I linked to (& there are many others with similar opinions, I can assure you) that it's a debatable point as to who should be getting more credit. It will vary from case to case. What can't be denied though is that it isn't Serkis' performance alone. At least that's the case with the current state of technology. Which is why all I'm saying is if you're liking Gollum's or Caesar's performance, credit should equally be given to the animators as well.

The problem (of animators generally not getting much credit) probably stems from the fact that the layman doesn't consider an animator an actor while in reality it is the acting skills which separate a great animator from an average one.

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