I watched Sam Bahadur yesterday and it wasn't up to my expectations. I have known about Manekshaw since 2021 and I think he's an unknown legend that contributed a LOT to the military. We would have probably lost Kashmir and more if he didn't get where he was. I also think his life is a perfect story to create a movie on because it is just a huge rollercoaster ride and something people would think was fictional.
But to me the movie managed to butcher the story by taking it and cutting it down into apparently randomly selected bits to be presented onto the screen. I understood that they wanted to highlight his character and his achievements - being smart, charming, aware, and a REALLY f**king good general. But in doing that they cut the war out of the war movie because 75% of the movie, unlike Dunkirk or Jarhead or any famous western war movies, is spent in his house talking to his wife, having a child, etc. At the start of the movie they give you a random scene about some baby who I'm pretty sure didn't grow up to be manekshaw and was one of his siblings (none of which are ever brought up again in the entire movie). That isn't the only scene where they show you something and then transition away quickly, this happens time and time again without leading on i.e the aftermath of Yaya Khan losing the war. Also, the actor for Siloo (manekshaws wife) felt a bit bland with the emotions, I genuinely struggled to muster any emotions
That is a general summary of my issues with the movie. It isn't all negative because the movie didn't have some cringe romantic dance with unnecesary drama and deaths and explosions (michael bays legacy still plagues the movie scene), the one music scene was cleverly fit into the soldier's chanting which made it much more realistic and bearable.
But judging by the IMDb rating of 8.3, I seem to be one of the very few people who think this movie isn't exception. What do you guys think?