Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

the last one i saw was Series of Unforutnate events..
it is is a nice movie..with jim carrey at one of his best performances!!
sweet movie :D
skylark said:
the last one i saw was Series of Unforutnate events..
it is is a nice movie..with jim carrey at one of his best performances!!
sweet movie :D

Yeah i saw it too was on cable on star movies i think just last week.
Btw, nice avatar, Nemesis is one of the greatest Boss's in gaming history.
seen many movies actually got them from my fren ..... all are very good quality except MI 3 :(

here are few which i watched in yesterday and today
saw/saw2/john Q/the magnificant seven/MI 3/100 Girls/fearless

and still there are 15-20 movies to watch .....