The Way Back: 9/10-Fantastic movie

(atleast for me)
Rio:7/10-good film
I am number four:5/10-total crap
Vanishing on 7th Street-3/10-do not dare to watch this film
Udaan:8/10-quite good being a bollywood movie
The green hornet:5/10-time waste
The social network:8/10-good film
The kings speech:9/10-excellent movie with lots of 'english'
Paranormal activity 2:8/10-even more scary
Iron man 2:7/10- i liked it a bit
127 hours:8/10-very good movie
FALTU:1/10- i don't think there is a more honest director than this film's director present on earth today
HP 7 PART 1:7/10-okay okay