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Skyfall : 7.5/10.. I expected it to be either thriller or having a good story line. But it was more of drama. But still i liked it. In the end it was good bond movie. Casino Royale still remains my favorite from this series.
Corpse Bride - 7.2/10
Decently made. Nothing really to be reminiscing about.
Missed in the description that it is musical.. else prolly wdnt have watched it.

Madagascar 3 - 6.8/10
Somewhere they shifted from making an Animation to cartoon movie. Could have been really good.

Brave - 6/10
Nothing gelled in this movie. A Nice way to ruin your Monnie (esp for the studio)

The man from Nowhere - 7.7/10
Good korean flick. ( @mathrisk.. make a new post enlisting all the korean stuff u seen :) )

The Notebook - 8/10
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Skyfall - 7/10

Not the Bond movie I was expecting. Minimal espionage, minimal use of gadgetry and more of in-your-face action. Some of the action sequences were shot as if it was some Bollywood movie (the train sequence at Istanbul for instance) and Saif Ali Khan was doing it. :/ But Javier Bardem stole the show! He portrayed the role of one of the best Bond villains I've seen in ages. Props to him! Lesser use of gadgets in the movie yes, but plenty of promotion for Sony (no Macbooks and iPhones in a Hollywood movie so YAY!). I loved the way the relationship between Bond and M was explored. Even the Bond girl’s role was limited to a few minutes - I wish it lasted a bit more (no not those sex or bikini sequences). Adele's opening theme song was very good! <3

We are going to miss Judi Dench! :(
Skyfall - 8.5/10.

The action was really good though this was paced more as a drama (remember "Batman Begins" after "Batman and Robin") rather than an action movie - though I am not complaining. This would have been a 9 but I deducted 0.5 for giving the Bond lady such a short role.
cloud atlas-3/10,i don't know if i did anything bad in the past to make me go and suffer through this fresh hell,i haven't read the book,and now i probably won't.during the interval,i was feeling nauseous and wanted to storm out but i figured i had nothing to do at home,so might as well enjoy epilepsy-inducing slideshow of horrible pictures.

taken 2-3/10-WTH?i thought it would at least be as good as the previous one, but i guess i was wrong.

skyfall- 7.7/10-nothing to say,enjoyed it for the action.it seems everyone here has watched this one.

i am actually glad judi dench is gone,i never really was a fan of her acting.i feel the "voldemort" M will be better.
Skyfall was very unconventional, but in a good way. Definitely not better than Casino Royale(Which for me is the best bond movie ever!).

Will give 8.5/10. +1 for Daniel Craig.

They could have worked out the last 30mins a bit better.
cloud atlas-3/10,i don't know if i did anything bad in the past to make me go and suffer through this fresh hell,i haven't read the book,and now i probably won't.during the interval,i was feeling nauseous and wanted to storm out but i figured i had nothing to do at home,so might as well enjoy epilepsy-inducing slideshow of horrible pictures.

taken 2-3/10-WTH?i thought it would at least be as good as the previous one, but i guess i was wrong.

skyfall- 7.7/10-nothing to say,enjoyed it for the action.it seems everyone here has watched this one.

i am actually glad judi dench is gone,i never really was a fan of her acting.i feel the "voldemort" M will be better.

Just to let you know that your spoiler is not visible. Apparently, someone has used
tag already. :|
Children of Men.
Man, what a movie. It is a must watch to understand value of innocence & lack of it turns the world onto hell.
Trick r' Trick (8/10)
I am a sucker for simple horror stories ala Twilight Zone and Tales from the Crypt.
This is how you make a comedy horror. Hard to believe TrT didn't even get a theatrical release while that nonsensical Cabin in the Woods made it out.

Gangs of Wasseypur 1 & 2
Better than The Godfather :P? I for one thought so, brilliant casting all over instead of a one man show.

Brave (0/10)
Pixar is losing it. I suppose it deserves some points for animation quality but it's 2012.
I guess all the inter company drama, the firing of Brenda Chapman wasn't just smoke.

- - - Updated - - -

Has Ridley Scott confirmed anywhere that this is to be treated as an Alien prequel? That was the general talk about the movie on the internet. I presume all those disappointed with the movie went with the expectation of it being the prequel. I found a link that explains all the subtle hints which actually is the objective of the movie (can't find it now). Once you go though the same, your understanding of the movie changes completely
Was all the face-hugging which resulted in the birth of that Xenomorph in the end not confirmation enough?
There was no subtlety involved. Maybe not a prequel in the strictest sense, but it's all connected.

Prometheus gets a lot of flake for having plot holes all over, but it's an excellent addition to the Aliens/Predators universe.
Was all the face-hugging which resulted in the birth of that Xenomorph in the end not confirmation enough?
There was no subtlety involved. Maybe not a prequel in the strictest sense, but it's all connected.

Prometheus gets a lot of flake for having plot holes all over, but it's an excellent addition to the Aliens/Predators universe.

Nobody denies the "links" - the issue being it touted as the Alien "prequel" which it definitely is not!
Wreck It Ralph - 9.5/10. My favorite animated film since Monsters Inc. Creative, colorful and fun. Has tons of humorous reference, specially if you were a video-game nerd in childhood like me. In my top-5 animation movie of all time. TURBO-TASTIC! Highly wreckomended.

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