RAW images problems with Lightroom

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Hi all, having a problem with importing images from my Nex 6 or SD card.
Lightroom copies the images (RAW) files without a problem. However within lightroom the images get distorted as shown below. I have disabled all options such as lens or camera correction.



Any insight anyone can offer would be great.

Edit: This only happens with RAW files and not with JPG only shots.
Do you have lightroom 4.2 with the update for NEX 6 as it was added recently. NEX 6 is the latest camera so it may not be supported fully by lightroom.

OT : How is the NEX 6 in terms of performance. It looks like an interesting camera, cheaper than a NEX7 but with a viewfinder
Tried with Lightroom 4.3 RC1 too which supports the NEX 6. I opened the RAW file in another software, opens perfect.
The barrel distortion of the pole is pretty high.... It weird if it opens fine in a different program. I would have said it was the lens but if the RAW open fine without distortion in a different program then I am not too sure whats going on.
That is interesting... looks to me that the NEX6 profile for Lightroom might be incorrectly configured or it's reading the lens data plain wrong. I'll look into the lightroom settings tonight and see if I can find some weird option that may cause this.

The other program that you mentioned, which other programs you tried importing the RAW in? If possible can you try importing the same file in Photoshop? Try both CS6 and pre-CS6 versions if possible. CS6 uses the same Camera RAW engine as LR4.2 onwards so if it's the issue with CRE then you'll know. Pre CS6 version may or may not read the file as NEX6 support might not be there, but theoretically it should use generic RAW conversion.
There was a Sony codec by which Windows can read the raw files, including thumbnails and Windows Photo viewer. I only have a licensed copy of Photoshop CS5. Trying to find a download link on Adobe.com.
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