Laptops Razer Announces Its First Laptop - Razer Blade


So after causing a furore with the PCgamingisnotdead website, Razer has finally revealed what they've been hiding all along. Its the insane Razer Blade - i7, Nvidia graphics and selling for a mind boggling 2800$! Its sort of the Switchblade which was previewed earlier with better hardware (thank god for that atleast)


So what was all the BS about sub-par console ports and shoddy graphics. How is this going to change anything? They've just made a powerful laptop (something Asus, MSI, Alienwear,etc have already been making) with a screen in its touchpad and some colourful extra keys and trying to sell it for the price of a 55" LED + Home Theater + Both consoles and an effing couch.

Quoting what my friend Akshat said-
apparently pc gaming is died and what razer is doing is dancing around the corpse and poking it
2799 for that .wow! It looks awesome but a pricepoint of say 2200 it would have been feasible.

Great laptop nonetheless,would love to own it.goodjob razer but I am happy with my gaming rig and consoles!
You're not the only one. I was half hoping it would be something affordable and available to the mass of PC gamers instead we got this .....