the range will depend on the tech. used for the wireless signal transmission.. theres a couple of types:
1) Infrared signal: most of the low cost micro RC helicopters will have this as this is the cheapest way of signal transmission. this is basically the same tech. used by your TV remote control. Only diff. will be, this one is slightly advanced so you dont need to actually point your remote towards the toy like with the TV remotes. and the range will be about 1 big master bedroom.. say the helicopter can be controlled from anywhere in a room of about 300 to 400 sq feet..
But theres nothing to worry about, as these mini rc helicopters are meant to fly indoors without any wind conditions and the remote works just fine.. no prob. of signal dropping as long as you're in range..
2) Radio Frequency: this is the main technology that is used in most of the RC Toys. (thats why they are called RC toys. Radio Controlled Toys.) in this tech. your range will depend upon the frequency that is used in the toy for the signal transmission. for such small helicopters 27 Mhz is more than enough. it works at a distance of more than 3 to 4 avg. sized bungalows.. and then lots of frequencies in the middle.. and the top. tech. frequency used in some of the most expensive and advanced Rc toys is the 2.4 ghz frequency. which is ideal for proper outdoor flying RC planes for the long range that is required and also in Rc cars that are capable of very high speeds and outdoor driving..
Well basically, if you buy the SYMA helicopter, you can buy it with your brain shut off.. no worries with that brand.. you dont need to lookout for anything..
check this link out: this heli is being sold by one of the members on TE called gmano. but this will be a little difficult to fly due to the single rotor.. the double rotor helicopters are self balanced. so you basically need to push the throttle and even if it starts going out of control, you leave all other controls except the throttle and helicopter self stabilizes. as it uses the gyro concept. they are available in syma, but the one posted below is a single rotor.. and if you can control, the single rotor will be more fun to fly.
heres the link to the thread..