PC Peripherals really low volume from headphones! help pls!

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i've bought a Sony MDR-XD100 headphones and i plugged thm into my pc, which has the ASUS M3A78-EM, and i get sound with really low volume.i've got to strain to listn to music.i've turnd the volume all the way up! playing around with the equalizer makes the sound jar.

i've plugged in the same headphones into my frnds Dell Studio 15 laptop and its so loud and clear!

the audio device is realtek high definition audio.i plugged it into the front port.,pluggin it to the rear port makes no diff!

i've enabled both the green and red(mic) port is front as headphones jacks, and pluggd it into the red one and i get slightly higher volume.

i've even disabled the HD audio tht comes with my gpu (hd4850)

i really cant figure out wat the prob is, and i've shelled out 1k on these headphones. some1 pls help me!!!!
in the windows taskbar, doubleclick the volume icon and increase the volume for wav to full or around 80%.
some asus mobos have problem in onboard output level , rma mobo , i built pc for friend using same mobo , onboard sound is very low .
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