Have not seen Rebel sim in action anywhere on the net. Only CG images. Wait for user reviews. Me ad lowballerking King are using Gevey Micro Sim. And its working flawless.
In case of a reboot or a shutdown one needs to do the procedure which takes about. 2minutes. In case of a respiring you don't need to repeat the procedure.
the price comes around 13138.57INR if we order 5 including shipping to india that comes around 2627.6INR+ local shipping which is cheaper than the counter part i.e. GEVEY SIM... just waiting for the reviews to come out...
^ Faced the exact same issue with the gevey sim I got from that guy on the E-forum sales link posted over here. One the sim tray provided has no Gevey written over it . The micro sim doesn't fit properly onto the provided sim tray + gevey sim chip . I had to cut and file down the micro sim to make it work . When I told all this to the seller , he said these are not gevey sim but gevey sim pro and they are 100% original. He sold it to me for ~1.7k and has now reduced the priced to 800 bucks
I dunno if I am cheated or what :S . Since I am not a regular on that Eforum , dunno how things work there if someone is cheated.