Storage Solutions Recommend a 4/8 GB pen drive (small form factor) to host a bootable Linux OS

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I am looking to run Debian on a device. I intend to boot into the OS from a USB drive to which I will install the Debian OS. I am looking for some recommendation on pen drives that have no problem hosting a bootable OS and is available in India. Based on a thread here,1915,page=5 the Sandisk Cruzer Fit seems like a good buy. However it seems to be out of stock in most online stores I have checked. Please suggest something similar.
Any pendrive should work. Though make sure it is 8GB and not a 4GB one.

I too use a Sandisk Crizer. They are well built pieces unlike some of the stuff out there.
Verbatim USB 3.0 OTG 16GB @ about 800 INR
OTG : you can use it with your phone
USB 3.0 : good speeds for 3.0,also works with USB 2.0 ports.
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