Recommend a cheap NAS for p2p

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Can someone recommend a NAS (without inbuilt storage to reduce costs. I will use my own existing 2.5" SATA HDD) which has in-built torrent software to download stuff from the Internet.

I should be able to use my iPad to control this NAS.

Or will a raspberry pie be cheaper to buy?
Seagate GoFlex Home or Net. If USB HDD then Pogoplug. My vote goes for the GO Flex Home with a single SATA port. You can access the transmission client on your browser, Dunno if there are apps for Apple without jailbreaking the iPad.
Go flex seems to cost around 10K.

I'm wondering if raspberry pie which costs around 3-5K would be a better choice?

I can live with 8-16 GB Micro SD storage.

What do you think about a transmission client running on Linux Raspberry OS?
Raspberry Pi is expensive since it does not gives you all components i.e case , power cable and SD Card
Any idea where I can buy this pogo plug in delhi and the price?

Unable to find/buy it online on EBay India.
wdtv live with custom firmware ( u get refurbished units on ebay US for approx $65

It's not wise to get wdlive as NAS, it's media player basically with very less CPU speed. The one I have is not stable with rtorrent running 30 torrents.. Better to invest in pogo or pi for NAS.
Can anyone suggest where I can buy this pogo thingy in delhi? Price/model?

Nehru place?

I am able to find it online on India sites.

Should I post about it on buy section here at TE?

EDIT - I found one pogoplug Mobile on eBay for 2600 rupees approx. is this the model which can be used to download torrents? Would I have to hack this in order to install/run BitTorrent client?
There is no mention of torrent downloading in the page.

Would I have to hack the device to enable torrent downloading?

I do not have a desktop computer. I only have an iPad.

I won't be able to hack the pogo device by myself since I don't have a computer.
That's because, it's designed as a cloud service. You need a PC to hack it and install an OS on it. Archlinuxarm or Debian can be installed on it, and then you install respective torrent clients. Refer
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