Recommended DVD player for a 3k or less budget ?

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there are some slim philips models for that price ..... which supports mp3 and picure viewer and all ...... dunno remember the model name :-/

go and chk them out at the shop :)
Yeah went and checked them out at a shop finally :P

They had tons of Philips models/boxes compared to the 1~2 models from LG/Samsung - so just settled for the Philips since i was in a hurry.

Picked up a Philips DVP 3146 for 3k. The 3146 supports DivX too, which was a plus. Looked decent.

Oddly enough, just for the sake of conversation.. asked the sales guy how good it was at playing scratched DVD's expecting to hear the usual pro-sales talk about how it will play anything.. instead he said it would get stuck with scratched DVD's and quickly added that it happens with most of the players. A bit of a whoops moment, but i dint have time to compare :lol:

@Asidxxx: There's a DVP 3166 which has USB support (dunno if it supports USB hard disks though). That was around 3.4k if i'm not mistaken.
About 3 years back when I went to a shop to buy DVD player and after seeing diff models of diff brands, I asked the salesman which one will play scratched discs and he took out a highly scratched DVD and put it into an Onida player. It worked smoothly. I bought it then for about 4K and it works perfectly even now. Later on, happened to see a Philips player working fine with a similar disk. Those disks were so scratched that we will not dare to put it in our player or drive. Now even better players with USB, Mp4, DIVx etc are available in the in the 2-4K range.
Crazy_Eddy said:
Picked up a Philips DVP 3146 for 3k. The 3146 supports DivX too, which was a plus. Looked decent.

great buy,

I would recommend the same for 3k.

Not only DivX it will play DATA disk also. Try burning a 700MB DivX movie on a CD as DATA disk, it will play, while all other brands like SONY, LG, Samsung etc will fail to do that.
Mac said:
great buy,

I would recommend the same for 3k.

Not only DivX it will play DATA disk also. Try burning a 700MB DivX movie on a CD as DATA disk, it will play, while all other brands like SONY, LG, Samsung etc will fail to do that.

thats really kewl ..i ve tried playing data discs having *.avi files on many of my frnds dvds player..but none of them plays it..

that means it will even play 5-6 * avi files burned on a dvd ..
greenhorn said:
will it read a bunch of divX movies written to a DVD R as a data disc :huh:

No Idea about DVD, but sure for CD, have used many that way.

I think he should use DVD-RW and tell us if it's working. I'm far away from home.
greenhorn said:
will it read a bunch of divX movies written to a DVD R as a data disc :huh:

One of friends has it, He has 180 DVDs full of DivXs which he plays on his player.
Each runs smooth.
greenhorn said:
will it read a bunch of divX movies written to a DVD R as a data disc :huh:

Yup it will. Thats what Divx support is all about :)
Mac said:
great buy,

I would recommend the same for 3k.

Not only DivX it will play DATA disk also. Try burning a 700MB DivX movie on a CD as DATA disk, it will play, while all other brands like SONY, LG, Samsung etc will fail to do that.

Pretty much the same thing right ;)
I meant in data disk format, if you burn divx movies, it'l play. i guess what you meant was that it'l read data dvds in general.. did you? ;)
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