Recording multimeter

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I need a multimeter that can measure micro range currents and i want to plot the output every X minutes over Y hours automatically
Plot can be on paper or saved as text somewhere etc

Any suggestions?
Budget no problem
Try at SkyKing ..... skyking chambers, 374 Lamington ROad .... Phone: 2388 6857/7629 .... they are on main Lamington Road near Prime .... They have a lot of DMM's... including the super expensive brand FLUKE.
Check keithley and yokogawa, they have multimeters with data logger. They are expensive but I guess that is not a problem for you.

I also used wavetech long time back with micrometer but not sure if you can source them in India.

I came across a multimeter website some time back but not sure how reliable they are for below micro ampere. Check this

Multimeter,Multimeters- A Mastech DMM AMM Online Direct Store
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