Red Faction Guerilla

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Been facing this issue ever since installed the game itself. The game freezes after 10-15 minutes gameplay. Now u would say the temperature is the culprit but it isn't so as my GPU's max. temp on max load is 50 degree Celsius (AC Accelero S1+Turbo Module :ohyeah: ) and the CPU temperature is also under control.

The second best guess would be the drivers, been there done that, rocking ATi CCC 9.9 64-bit and as for game update, there is none that I know of.

So now tell me what u guys think can be the issue here? Oh b4 u ask, CPU is E8400, GPU is HD4850 and RAM is 4GB 800MHz DDR2.
spindoctor said:
try playing in windowed mode and see if that helps.

Yup! that did the trick, now sometimes game does freezes for a second or 5 but no major crash or such. Thanks for the advice, Doctor Sahab! ;)
If this game is ripped version you will face the problem. It only freezes during the loading time so you have to wait 5-10 minutes for each chapter loading. Check google for few solutions but none of them will completely work. Also the windowed mode increases the fps.
CPU is fast enough at stock clocks and DIMMs are in perfect condition, that's the issue with the game itself, rest all games and OS and everything else works perfectly.
Ryunosuke said:
CPU is fast enough at stock clocks and DIMMs are in perfect condition, that's the issue with the game itself, rest all games and OS and everything else works perfectly.
Worked fine for me. Completed it without any lock ups and we have the same graphic card too. Which OS are you on?
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