Rediffmail has ditched Gmail !

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Quoting from my blog,
Just noticed this, a lot of friends using Rediffmail were not receiving my mails. Then when I checked up, all the mails, I repeat all were in the Junk mails folder. Really stupid on behalf of Rediff to make such a mistake. Its definately because of the competition between the two. Rediff were second to offer 1 GB of space for each e-mail ID and just when this happened, Gmail shocked everyone and increased its offering to 2 GB. But whatever it is, Gmail being ditched like this is intolerable and this can lead to serious problems where urgent mails never get delivered. If anybody from Rediff is reading this, please take notice !
Stupid freaks, they use to accept till a time back, and I thought Hotmail was the only prick.

EDIT : its coming in my rediffmail inbox.
I think google should sue both of them...... it is illegal and unfair unless they both have an excpetionally good reason to give....
yeah rediff previously blocked emails from a job site, because it was conflicting with the website with whom they had tie up. i don't which generation of filtering software they use. Also gmail has not started giving free email accounts. its only by invitation, so rediff cannot say that gmail is being used for spamming whereas rediff it used for spamming but they do nothing.
Rediff is horrible.....I get too much of junk. I cannot see more than 10 mails per page... some outgoing links do not work and they say that the rediff server has a problem..... WTF do I care if it has a problem??? I want my account to work propely that is all.......... I hate rediff to the core..... wonder why I even took an account there....... DAMN!!
Back when Gmail gave only 6 invites per user, we'd get a little notice on screen saying that if the invite was being sent to a Hotmail or Yahoo email address, check for it in the Junk mail folder. Emails from gmail have been treated as junk by Hotmail for a pretty long time, and it is shocking to hear that another provider is doing the same. It goes against the very purpose of email.

Yeah, I think Googles should consider suing Rediff and Hotmail. I never had a problem with Gmail and hotmail, just discovered Rediff recently...

BTW, cool sig Enigmatrix...
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