Reduced battery time with 3G on airtel

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I am using nokia X6 on airtel network in Delhi. Airtel has upgraded its network to 3G in Delhi. My phone suddenly started showing 3G on screen even though I have not subscribed to the 3G service. But I realised that the phone standby time has reduced ever since 3G has started appearing.

I wonder whether other users have experienced the same?
Battery time reduces the moment u start getting that 3G signal doesnt matter you use it or not.Go to settings and turn of data and 3G ( iff there is an option).
its normal check the standby times on gsmarena for standby time on 2g and 3g networks.

do a little search for such things :)

Yes this is very much expected. My ZTE Blade drains battery like seconds counter decrementing when i am on 3G network and also using 3G data

So i check the "Use only 2G network" on my phone to avoid battery issues.
go to settings -> phone -> network -> network mode -> instead of dual select GSM.

And yeah as stated its obvious.
Even if the signal is full and you are not using data services, once you are logged on to a 3g network it will drain more battery than gsm network.
adi_vastava said:
go to settings -> phone -> network -> network mode -> instead of dual select GSM.

And yeah as stated its obvious.
Changed the mode. 3G is expensive on both, pocket and battery.
Oh i never counted the signal strength. Probably that is the reason my ZTE Blade battery dropped 10% in less than 20 minutes with continuous 3G data usage with only 1 or 2 bars signal.
The 3G uses extra battery when you get 3G n/w....and your standby time has reduced .If in your handset ,the UMTS or HSPA is enabled...then your cell will recieve 3G signals even if you are not subscribing it...Now if you donot want the 3G,then just diable the UMTS or HSPA option in your cell settings.
ultra vires said:
The problem with Airtel 3G is that it has poor signal, atleast in delhi & Gurgaon . It Drains battery like hell.
poor signal, low speed, battery drain.. i have heard 3g signals damage our brain more than 2g ones(dont ask me where i read, dont remember)
When I do a manual selection I get the following, pertinent to Airtel.

Airtel 3GH

Airtel 2GH

I have chosen the latter. Now network mode is on "3G and 2G". Should I change this JUST to 2G -- it is in the drop down option..? Or leave it. I am not on any 3G plan. Just the EGDE for BB...?
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