Reflexion - a Winamp 5 Skin

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You have to try this if you use Winamp 5 .
It uses alphablending . So please follow given Instructions on the link.
You should end up with something like this


And this is as captured on my desktop screen with my desktop icons turned off .
This looks perfect for a minimalistic desktop or a dark Tech style desktop .

DO try it :)
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Nah , afaik , you cant use it againts bright backgrounds ...otherwise looks snazzyy... there is one more skin thats caught my attention , ill put that up later . see how you all like it :)
awesome skin...minimalism is gr8....if only i could change the font colors....but then again its the best skin i've seen for winamp (although equalizer isn't supported)
.... and... on the other extreme is THIS winamp skin - Media Tower v11 ... this one takes over your FULL desktop :O

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