Regretting your choice of degree?

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I wanted to be BE Marine but could not get into it
, so completed BE in Etrx & now regretting it the most, although I have great interest in Electronics but Marine Engg was something in my mind, regretting it now, stuck in boring IT field.
To All

"What if?" is the worst question you can ask yourselves. You will dig a hole and then dig deeper and one day you might not be able to get yourselves out.

There is the future to worry about. (Frankly nowadays I do not have time to worry about what might have happened if I did something differently because there are too many things in the future to worry about which are atleast worth spending my time on)

Stay away from such things and stay busy.

And those regretting their decisions in life, please go do what you want and make things right. Life is long and most of us are still young.
Regret of choices is good IF you learn from the experience. Take it from a guy who flunked a year because he slept through his exam but ended up getting a job.

I did my Bachelors in E&C. Flunked it in the final year because I overslept before the final paper. Upgraded my skils during the year (IT related) and after a year of getting rejected got a job. If there is one thing I learnt in those two years, its not what I chose that mattered, it is what I choose here & now. And, those IT skills do come in handy, even though they are not at all related to my field of work.

Mistakes and bad choices are the best ways of learning who you are. Screw conservatism, do what you love.
Well , "Life isn't a race or competition to be won , it is all about nurturing your dreams & following your passion and interest. "

Life never turns the way you plan it , "most teenagers , don't accept this fact and consider themselves a failure , and get de-motivated." They need to learn satisfaction , and find happiness in what they have already acheived.!

I have seen many individuals , who always cry about what they don't have. Most often they seem to ignore the fact that what they have already achieved is worth appraising and to be dignified and proud about.

Problem with modern generation is that they always compare themselves with their successful peers and sorroundings , especially parents who compare their kids , which IMO is depressive for a good morale.

-=>An example " -Your junior compares himself to you , - you compare yourself to your supervisoror manager or cheif - your cheif compares himself to the organisation owner - the Owner compares himself to Buisness tycoons , it just goes on...this doesn't stops.!!!!! If you are like this then you are practically in a endless loop.

Actually ,Life is not a mathematical equation , there is no way you can compare two people.

Every Individual is different and Unique , so you need to commit and experience mistakes of your own.It is only you , who can identify your potentials , interests and passion.

Don't go on what your parents , peers or anybody says , they are not going to regret for that decision. Remember it will be only you who will regret.And most often people regret because they find themselves in a sorrounding or profession , which is not of their interest.

IMO , if you aren't in any profession , then follow your interest , and if you are in a profession that is not of your interest , then make your job your passion , thats how you live life ,!!!!!

Tell me who doesn't regrets in his life ??? Almost every normal humane individual does , no matter how much success he has attained .

Even myself being 19 years of age, I do cry a lot about my ruined career ,but then I get happy when I see that many people who are highly qualified & successful than me are just loners , saddists.

Getting highly educated , certified & rich just changes the society in which you live , it doesn't changes your heart , your passion.!!!! So its better not to regret about a lost degree , or something you lost in past.!!! Just think about shaping present and future , Think about what you can acheive in in present and future., think about what you will loose , if you keep on regreting!!!!

So forget about past , live in present and shape the future.!!!!

Sorry if I wrote something off-topic , I was just expressing my views on life situation like this.!

I wanted to be BE Marine but could not get into it
, so completed BE in Etrx & now regretting it the most, although I have great interest in Electronics but Marine Engg was something in my mind, regretting it now, stuck in boring IT field.

Have you considered taking up the DG approved ETO course to become an Electrical Officer?
well presently considering I am struggling for a post graduation seat, I do think I regret my choice of becoming a doctor, But I do hope I will get over this once I get admission somewhere. I wont recommend anyone who is average in any sense to become a doctor. Either you should be very intelligent or you/your family should have deep pockets. Unfortunately I am average in both these categories. Anyways each day you live you learn and I hope I can cope with life ahead.
Dude! I am a doc too! Open yourself to other experiences and you will see that you're still in a special profession!! I have worked as a JR. switched to a corporate job for better money!!!! But ended up coming back to medical practice.!!! I could not work in the corporate environment! Too much politics, too much bullshit in the form of meetings and parties! Very little decision making or work gets done!

You can get a higher paying job than any other graduate near your own place! My bro is all over India for jobs that are support oriented and little pay! I am sure you can get into a pg
. Keep the right attitude!!!!!! .

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But moving on doesn't make a wrong decision right does it?

For every mistake in our life, moving on is not the right suggestion .

Its not about right or wrong, unless you found some way to travel back into the past and undo your mistakes, moving on is the only thing you can ever do in life since whether you like it or not time is not going to stop for you, it is only going to move forward. As you move on, whether you spend your time lamenting over the past or whether you spend it planning your future course decides where you end up further up.
i joined computer engg as i was very much interested in ethical hacking and stuff while i was a kid ..i thought there would be imba hackers in computer engg
hahahaha (TROLLED myself) . then there were students who were learning to start the computer for the 1st time in their life and they are comp engg toppers
(too much hopes ??)

regret .. naa i just want my degree ASAP
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