51-70k regular use laptop with mild gaming like fifa

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Hemang goswami

Requirement - for everyday use surfing internet watching movies
Not much into gaming but surely want to play FIFA ...it should run effortlessly and be ably supported for next 2 years at least...
Came across HP 15 p077tx
Ci5 4210 u processor
8gb ram 1600mhz
2gb nvidia 840m card
1tb storage
15.6" hd screen
Pretty good looking
I'm now confused because people say I should get the M processor at this range instead of U processor...that would mean chopping off certain above mentioned features...
Getting this at 49k with 3 yr ADR warranty n laptop bag...
Also wanted a full hd display but couldn't find one

Please tell me whether I shall go for it or suggest something else..thank u
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