Reliance Cuts 3G Tariffs by 50%, 1GB 3G Now Costs Rs 123

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true. Also, as always they give caller tunes and then say, probably you activated it, which in fact I never ever did! Also those something called VAS USSD charges or something? cuts 4rupees every 2 weeks for no reason. gawd dammit I am sick with RL's shit.
I don't think any operator is doing that now a days,the penalties they are paying to TRAI. Last i remember Craptel used to deduct money without my consent and i used to call their nodal and get back my talktime.
I am using vodafone and their network is crap with call drops during peak hours.

Btw, any Rcom 3G user here who can post Speedtest results?
Reliance 3g sucks or it is me who is getting less speeds? Using this 123rs pack from last 3 months, but havent yet figured out what 3g speeds are like :(
I don't think any operator is doing that now a days,the penalties they are paying to TRAI. Last i remember Craptel used to deduct money without my consent and i used to call their nodal and get back my talktime.
I am using vodafone and their network is crap with call drops during peak hours.

Btw, any Rcom 3G user here who can post Speedtest results?
I had some in my n4 but i sold the phone.... Anyways i was getting 1250kb/s[~10mbps]
I assume you have less Rcom 3G users in your area?

Don't think so. Location: sec 11 pkl.

I was getting the same speeds at Jammu too [ exact : main city ] .

But the scams of 123 for 1gb but in reality they were giving 500mb was PITA.
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