bitsandpieces said:idea netsetter will give you pretty low speeds. this will give you very good speed, but will run up a huge bill.
they might not mention it, but i am sure that the form will have this clause. you are getting a 2 months "unlimited" connection with a 10 gb/month limit.
what i am guessing is that they will intially take 3.5k for the device and then bill you for the extra usage
I am nt sure man a week back i got a call from some reliance care saying u pay 3.5k and u get UNlimted downloading for 2 months then u hav 2 choose plan accodingly??? bt 3.5k for 2 months is costly i am hardly there in teh morning i just want it at nite i reach flat by 10 then i am free.whch one to go will be using it on laptop...:S